


Past Votes


CIP 212 - Return Funds to Citizens


With the departure of myself and David, who have historically kept the DAO in compliance, paid taxes, and maintained the off ramps, I believe now is the time to return the CityDAO Treasury funds to Citizens pro-rata.

After failing to pass 7+ proposals 4, I see no path forward for us to agree on a reasonable way to spend the money, and keeping millions of dollars in a multisig leaves it vulnerable especially over a long period of time with multisig members cycling in and out.

I will be leaving the multisig, closing the bank accounts, off ramps, and CityDAO social media accounts, discontinuing to pay taxes our properties, and completely removing myself out of the operation of the DAO.

The most responsible path forward is to return the funds to the Citizens who contributed them.

The claim will be about $320 per NFT according to my napkin math from this post 10, but that is heavily dependent on ETH fluctuations.


Upon passage of the CIP, any Citizen may volunteer to be a part of the Return of Funds Task Force. They will decide on an implementation mechanism and have a budget of $3,000 to develop and audit a smart contract as necessary and pay legal fees for any research needed into dissolution.

The most likely scenarios are either an airdrop to return the funds or a smart contract that lets Citizens claim their share of funds are options.


Upon passage of the CIP, the Return of Funds task force will convene and develop a mechanism to return funds and initiate the process within 30 days.

3 votes
4 months ago

CIP-202: City Council 2.0 International v.2


The purpose of this CIP is to create a more inclusive CityDAO Council and to fund the Community Team, which will make sure we have engagement across multiple communities. This CIP will last for 6 months, followed by democratic, open elections. The quorum for this CIP is 500 votes and the requested total budget is $107K. This CIP combines both a council CIP and the community team CIP, which is why the budget is high.

Why is this needed?

For the past year, CityDAO has had some very important problems that we cannot fix without authorization by the community through a CIP. The main problems can be explained in three categories: administrative, legal and taxes.


Our multisig wallet has members who are no longer part of the DAO. This is not safe. Our quorums make it too easy to request large amounts of money and only require 51% approval from voters, no matter how much money is requested. Our voting allows for certain individuals to control the votes. Our international communities do not have enough representation. We have no process for complaints and grievances, which has led to negative behavior on the discord. This destabilizes our community and makes it harder for citizens to get involved with CityDAO. How to make sure that people who are paid to do work do not get paid unless they accomplish their work.


We don’t have clarity on what CityDAO can do to earn money as an American DAO LLC. Without this, we keep spending money without making any money. We don’t have anyone who can legally sign contracts on behalf of CityDAO for our events, partnerships, or for when we hire independent contractors for work.


We need to pay our taxes and send out the proper forms from the American IRS to anyone who gets paid more than $600 per year. We need a CPA (certified public accountant) to handle some of these tax issues.

The proposed City Council 2.0 would include the following seven people: Blackacres, David, Nico, Ming, Lupei, SimplePixel, Serkan

Blackacres North American (NA) community communication Advisory board communication lead Handling and filing taxes including CPA oversight and paperwork Clarify the charter (GROUP) Clarify how an NFT holder confirms their citizenship for forum likes Clarify Snapshot voting to refine algorithmic quorums and/or implement quadratic voting Human Resource Management (GROUP) Complaint and grievance process

David Work with outside counsel to handle legal issues in CityDAO Clarify who can sign contracts on behalf of CityDAO Clarify the charter (GROUP) Clarify how an NFT holder confirms their citizenship for forum likes Clarify Snapshot voting to refine algorithmic quorums and/or implement quadratic voting Human Resource Management (GROUP) Complaint and grievance process Hiring and dismissal of independent contractors Dismissal of council members and other DAO members from groups Clarification on DAO tool access

Nico Taking notes on meetings Summarize round-ups Keeping things in check on that we’re on topic at meetings Community (GROUP) Cross channel communication across communities Help out with community calls, especially with NA and China areas. Hosting Twitter (X) Spaces Strategic operations (GROUP) If someone proposed something and didn’t follow through, should they still get paid? The work people say they’ll do and what they actually do should be documented and shared with the DAO. How can we ensure accountabilities for passed CIPs Assist with strategic communications about the long term development for CityDAO - what are we building?

Ming CN community communication Wechat group management and public account management IRL meetups in China Translate newspapers and round-up into Chinese Partnerships and communication with other CN DAOs DAO TALK Twitter Space Strategic operations (GROUP) Develop operational and marketing plans Plan CityDAO branding activities

Lupei Thai community communication Translation and content tailoring in Thai community IRL meetups in Thailand (as needed) Community operations (GROUP) Making sure everyone in the DAO has the same information Community activities / projects management CityDAO contest organization Publishing newspaper Twitter(X) management/access.

SimplePixel Co-lead Turkish community communication Management of partnerships with Turkish DAO/web3 organizations IRL events in Turkey Community operations (GROUP) Management of community activities and projects for overall DAO Hosting TR Twitter spaces CityDAO contest organization Strategic operations (GROUP) Clarifying the CIP process Making a clear template for the creation of CIPs Clarify the charter (GROUP) Clarify how an NFT holder confirms their citizenship for forum likes Clarify Snapshot voting to refine algorithmic quorums and/or implement quadratic voting Marketing / Events (GROUP) Figure out what upcoming events are happening globally and locally Make a CIP and work with others on an events budget Sponsorship & event participation for Turkish Community

Serkan Co-lead Turkish community communication Co-hosting biweekly Discord TR community calls Translation of newspaper and round-up into Turkish Community (GROUP) Representing the First & Founding citizens Connecting and gathering info about active/passive citizens on Discord & Twitter Strategic operations (GROUP) Research other DAOs about success / failure

Advisory / CityDAO Assembly (non voting): Anyone with more than 50 Citizen NFTs or any Founder NFTs. Being a member of the CityDAO Assembly provides streamlined access to the council and community team, which includes efficient feedback, communication, development of ideas and assistance in turning ideas into viable CIPs. This will be implemented after discussion and after main priorities are accomplished.

If any council member misses more than two meetings without explanation, they will be removed from the council. They will not be replaced until the next election. Voting on all issues within the council will require 4 of 7 votes to pass, except that choosing members of the multisig will require unanimous council approval.


City Council 2.0 is meant to accomplish very specific goals. Each of these goals is directly tied to the effectiveness of CityDAO. The planned goals are as follows:

Month 1-3

How to confirm citizenship for likes Adjusting quorums Update Charter Operations Clarify the process of CIP creation → Forum → Snapshot Making a clear template for the creation of CIPs Clarify how an NFT holder confirms their citizenship Ensure that only verified citizens are able to “like” CIPs on the Discourse forum Clarify Snapshot voting to refine quorums and/or implement quadratic voting Who posts Snapshot votes when the 20 like threshold is reached Clarification of DAO tool access Clarifying access process for Twitter & Discord Taxes and CPA relationship management and organization Appoint the 8-person multisig, remove non-participating members, and make clear rules

Month 3-6

Legal Establishing contact with outside council Making sure there is a clear pipeline for legal questions to be answered Who can sign contracts CityDAO treasury payments from projects Using NFTs as compensation to citizens Maintaining or hiring people to maintain the DAO tools including Discord, Discourse, Snapshot, Website, Notion, and Twitter

Human Resource Management Make rules for how members are removed in the future Establishing and enforcing regulations for behavior on Discourse and Discord Establishing a complaint and grievance process for CityDAO citizens


Council Members: $1500 per member per month ($63,000 total) Lawyers, Accountants and Other Professionals: $12K total Council Fund (only used for bounties and hiring): $20K total Community Fund : $12K total

3 votes
1 year ago

CIP 182 - t0wn STAGE ONE funding allocation

TLDR: This proposal enables the t0wn team to reallocate the resources from Stage 1 of the t0wn project toward building two apps that will more immediately and concretely benefit the t0wn project and CityDAO as a whole. The overall plan for t0wn has not changed.

This proposal asks for only $1 of additional funding to secure a quorum of 250 votes. Other than that, we are merely asking for the ability to reallocate funds that have already been sent to our treasury. We have removed our request for additional funding based on the responses in the forum, which we take very seriously. To us, t0wn is a community made of its valued members, and compromise is the language of cooperation.


The t0wn team has been meeting weekly for months. We’ve had several meetings with the Próspera team about possibly acquiring real estate in it’s first tower as a first physical hub for t0wn. Those discussions remain ongoing. We’ve had all sorts of contact, discussion and meetings with potential member DAOs. Our aim is to reallocate the remaining funds toward building apps that will help push this project forward.

As of today, a little over $54,000 remains in the t0wn treasury. Our initial CIP called for $32K in t0wn team compensation and $20K in discretionary funds. $1K compensation has been paid out per team member ($4k total) and no other money has been spent. Based on our internal weekly discussions, meetings with other DAOs and projects, Twitter spaces and independent research, we are clearer on how we think the discretionary funds should be spent.


We would like the ability to reallocate the remaining funds toward:

  1. A dominant assurance smart contract
  2. A identity verification app that KYCs individuals to global banking standards and ties the verified individual to one and only one ETH address with a soulbound token. This app will consist of two components:
    1. KYC functionality - for example, a custom front end that utilizes the API of a third party KYC service like Plaid.
    2. A NFT smart contract, likely employing the ERC-5484 standard for soulbound tokens.
  3. Legal costs relating to analyzing the appropriate DAO structure


Assurance contract: Our initial t0wn STAGE 1 plan was to have DAOs sign LOIs stating their intent to contribute to a t0wn treasury to buy land for a “DAO hub.” We decided it would not only benefit t0wn, but also CityDAO and the web3 community at large if we figured out how to program the essence of an LOI into a smart contract. Utilizing Alex Tabarrok’s Dominant Assurance Contract idea, we will create a smart contract where entities can pledge money toward a public good (like t0wn). If the funding threshold is hit by a certain deadline (which is programmed into the smart contract when it is deployed), the project gets funded. If the threshold is not hit by the deadline, everyone gets their money back and those that contributed the earliest get a small monetary “prize” for having been the first movers / believers. Details around the prize mechanics will be sorted out during development, one key component being the prize is big enough to incentivize early contribution but small enough to disincentivize entities wanting the project to fail.

Building a dominant assurance smart contract will not only be a boon to t0wn and CityDAO, but also to anyone who wants to fund a public good on the blockchain without using methods such as Juicebox that take a significant percentage of funds.

Identity Verification: Part of having a community is ensuring that people are not sybils, that identities can be verified. Rather than using a method such as NFT + Gitcoin Passport or Proof of Humanity, we would like to offer individuals the ability to KYC to global banking standards, verify ownership of a wallet address, and then marry the two with a soulbound token. We plan to use the ERC-5484 standard for soulbound tokens which allows both the issuer and the holder to burn the token - the former being necessary in case of identity fraud and the latter being necessary in case the holder wants to disconnect or move their identity to a different address.


This proposal augments STAGE ONE of the original proposal by allowing additional uses of the funding allocated by that proposal. It also adds an additional potential STAGE TWO trigger—a deployed assurance contract that successfully raises at least $750k will automatically trigger STAGE TWO. The t0wn team will determine which avenue to pursue (ie signed LOIs or raising via assurance contract) following development of the latter.


  • All the benefits outlined in the original t0wn proposal remain.
  • CityDAO Citizens will be able to use the app at cost for a period of one year after the app is launched, subject to reasonable volume of usage and our team’s ability to handle such volume. We will make best efforts to allow CityDAO Citizens to use the app at cost for longer than one year, again subject to reasonable volume of usage and our team’s ability to handle such volume.
  • Open use of the dominant assurance smart contract and the ERC-5484 soulbound token contract.


  • The dominant assurance smart contract and the ERC-5484 soulbound token contract will be open source.
  • The rest of the KYC app will be owned by the Friends of Town Foundation corporation.

3 votes
1 year ago

CIP-151: Quorum and Elections


This proposal has 3 main fuctions:

  1. Adjust Quorums
  2. Hold Elections for City Council
  3. Establish a Complaint Process

Category - Governance Criticalness - High Impact - High (All members of DAO will be affected) Duration - 6 months Quorum - 500 votes counted as 1 NFT = 1 vote Budget - 46,800 (+ bonuses up to $18,000)

The three goals are explained in more detail below:

--Adjust quorums--

Currently, the way votes are counted for quorum is 1 NFT = 1 vote. After a year of governance, CityDAO contributors have realized that it makes no sense for quorum to be the same for $11K and for $2 million, and it makes no sense that a non-financial vote has the same quorum as a CIP for $2 million. The new proposed system would still count 1 NFT as 1 vote for quorum with the following amendments:

1 vote = 1 quadratically-counted NFT An algorithm will be used to determine the quorum for different request amounts. An algorithm will be used to determine the voter approval rating

Quorum Algorithm: 50 + [1/2 * (sqrt $Ask)] Voter Approval Rating Algorithm: 66 + 24 ($ ask / treasury)

  • To amend the Charter will require a quorum of 200 counted quadratically. Currently, it takes 1000 votes counted non-quadratically to amend the Operating Agreement (OA). This CIP does not intend to alter or amend the OA. This includes NOT changing how votes are counted for altering or amending the OA. They will be counted non-quadratically as 1 NFT = 1 vote.

--Hold Elections for City Council--

This CIP will create elections for seven (7) members of City Council. Within one week after elections are completed, the Council will choose one (1) individual from inside or outside the Council to serve as the Executive Facilitator (EF). If a member of the Council is chosen as the EF, then the remaining Council members will choose one additional member.

The EF will be a separate position and is not in the Council. The Council delegates the authority to the EF. The EF does not vote in the Council. The EF will be in charge of the day-to-day administration and operational execution, while the City Council is in policy setting and strategic direction. The Council may determine the authorities of the EF. The Council may not interfere in the EF’s authorities except if the EF is incapacitated. The Council are the decisions makers and the EF handles implementation.

The EF will have the following powers and authority:

  • Implementation of projects, including resource availability and oversight
  • Handle relationships with outside counsel
  • Handle mailing address, copyrights, trademarks, legal formalities
  • Handle relationships with CPAs for bookkeeping and taxes
  • Any powers and authorities delegated by a majority vote of the City Council

The City Council will have the following powers and authority:

  • Appointment of Executive Facilitator.
  • Possible hiring of an Ops Admin
  • Appointment of Multisig Signers.
  • Create advisory boards of citizens.
  • Policy setting and strategic direction.
  • Maintain or hire people to maintain the DAO tools
  • Adopt its own rules of procedure and set the time and place of its official meetings.
  • Provide for the prosecution and defense of legal causes on behalf of CityDAO and retain counsel and set their compensation.
  • Establish and enforce regulations for behavior.
  • Establish and enforce regulations for the resolution of disputes.
  • Enter into agreements with other DAOs or entities.
  • Levy and collect taxes, rents, lease fees and other sources of revenue.
  • Make investigations of CityDAO affairs; inquire into accounts, records, and transactions of any CityDAO department, office, or officer; and, for these purposes, require reports from any project and the production of official records.
  • Adopt rules and regulations necessary for the exercise of its powers and prescribe fines and penalties for the violation of ordinances in accordance with city law.
  • Place questions or propositions directly onto Snapshot, when agreed to by 5 of 7 of the total membership of the City Council.

The City Council will appoint the eight (8) multisig signers. The role of the multisig signers is transaction execution and transaction evaluation. All multisig signers will undergo proper training to fully grasp the implications and responsibilities of being on the multisig. The multisig signers are responsible to check transactions, to check where the funds are being sent, and to follow all the requirements for a proper transaction for the protection of CityDAO. The key aspect of the multisig is that the signers be trusted members of the DAO.

Operations and Day-to-Day Administration

The City Council will help organize and delegate operational tasks, such as maintaining the meeting minutes, permissions, passwords, independent contractor agreements and contracts. The City Council will schedule weekly meetings at regular times, which will not be changed with less than 48 hours notice. Council members will each have the highest level of admin permissions on each of CityDAO’s tools, including but not limited to discord discourse, Twitter, Notion, Snapshot and Google Workspace. The Council will determine who else should hold any permissions or passwords.

CIP Template Creation and Management

In addition to formatting a template for CIPs, the City Council will help problem-solve and request additional information where necessary, to make sure that proposals further the mission of the DAO.

Transparency Dashboard

The City Council will require that, for quality, transparency and clarity, all CityDAO projects create a transparent and available document that provides all pertinent information on funding received, expenditures, milestones and benchmarks. This document will be written in plain English and will be available at all times to all citizens on the CityDAO website or Notion page. The Council will finalize the details of the process. This is not meant to punish people but to provide transparency. Project members must populate the dashboard in order to receive continued funding.

Election Method

If this CIP passes, there will be open elections for seven (7) City Council members, all with six-month terms that begin on the day the election ends. Any citizen may run for any position. A citizen may be on the City Council and the multisig simultaneously. There will be no hierarchy of members on the City Council.

To be elected, candidates must put up a platform statement on Discourse. All candidates will take part in a series of two (2) public debates with questions submitted in advance by any citizen, moderated and run by the Community and Media Guilds together. After the debates, separate ranked choice votes will be put on Snapshot. All elected members of the multisig and the City Council must be willing to be KYC’d.

Election Rules

  • The election may not be used as an excuse to disparage the character of another member of the DAO.
  • Candidates may not make pledges, promises, or commitments of any sort.

Compensation and Budgets

Multisig Compensation: The multisig signers will receive $100 per month each, regardless of who actually signs the transactions. This is meant to incentivize all members to pay close attention to the transactions, their purpose, destination, suitability and potential liability to the DAO.

City Council Compensation: 3 Citizenship NFT per month per councilmember; City Council will have a fund of 5 NFTs total per month to bring in talented individuals to the DAO. 4 of 7 vote required to give an NFT.

Executive Facilitator: The EF will receive $3K per month in compensation + a potential bonus of up to $3K per month based on performance from the City Council, and will have a budget of $24K over six (6) months and the authority to execute agreements.

  • In an emergency event where CityDAO gets sued and is required to pay fees in excess of the funds in the City Council treasury, the City Council can put a CIP on Discourse and Snapshot concurrently, with no time limits required. Quorum will be however many people vote.


The multisig signers will have one week to sign or reject transactions. If a transaction is rejected, the signers must document reasons why and next steps within a reasonable time. If any of the multisig signers refuse to sign (2) or more transactions, they will be removed and the candidate who had the next highest vote will replace them. If there are no candidates left, a new election will be held for replacements or the City Council will choose replacements. The members of the multisig can vote off any member with a 5 of 8 vote.

If any of the City Council members miss more than three (3) meetings, they will be removed and replaced in the same manner as the multisig signers. The City Council can vote off any member with a 5 of 7 vote. The City Council can remove the EF at any time with a 5 of 7 vote. CityDAO Citizens can call for a removal or replacement of members of the multisig or the City Council or the Executive Facilitator with a CIP and a quorum of 50 votes. If a CIP is put up, it will be done with an anonymous “City Council” account so no one feels pressure to doxx.

--Complaint Process--

A complaint may subject the citizen to penalties up to and including a prohibition on offending parties from holding administrative positions at CityDAO or in CityDAO projects.

  • Substance - What Constitutes a Complaint?

An allegation of wrongdoing related to projects, behavior, transactions, or violations of the rules at CityDAO.

  • Process - How is a Complaint Dealt With?

Step 1 - Mediation by an individual who is agreed-upon by both parties.

Both parties must agree on an individual, preferably (but not necessarily) a CityDAO Citizen, who will hear both sides of the argument and attempt to mediate between the two parties.

Step 2 - Random jury (Randomocracy)

Complaints that reach step 2 will be heard by a Kleros court. In case of failure, the City Council can choose to use a randomly selected group of six (6) CityDAO citizens using the Chainlink Verifiable Randomness Function (VRF). If either party is not satisfied with the decision, they may appeal to a Kleros appeals court.

Both parties must write a complaint document. This complaint of wrongdoing needs to be complete and make specific allegations along with any evidence. Payment for “jury duty” is $50 per person. This jury of 6 people will make a binding decision based on the facts presented. The Executive Facilitator will enforce the result by initiating a resolution that will go to the City Council to handle the dispute accordingly.

3 votes
1 year ago

DAO Coalition Funding


The DAO Coalition is a group of approximately 30 DAOs and supporting organizations that seek to advocate on behalf of DAOs in the United States and globally. This coalition was started by Stuttgart on behalf of CityDAO, and therefore CityDAO has a significant place in the coalition. This CIP requests $9,999 as part of a fundraising effort among other DAOs in the coalition. The purpose of the fundraising is to provide funding to formalize the coalition as it relates to legal fees (incorporation, creation of bylaws) and website creation. Benefits to CityDAO would be a leadership role with the DAO Coalition as it advocates in Washington, D.C.


The DAO Coalition currently consists of 3OH DAO, Alliance DAO, ATX DAO, Aragon DAO, Bankless DAO, City3, CityDAO, Cohere, Data Union DAO, enDAOment, Governor DAO, Impact DAO, JournoDAO, Kali DAO, Klaytn, Krause House, KYC DAO, LegalDAO, LexDAO, Lobby3, Nemus, OtoCo DAO, PAC DAO, Polygon DAO, R3WIND DAO, Sapien Network, Sporos DAO, SuperRare DAO, SSV DAO and Standard DAO.

Supporting organizations within the DAO Coalition include the Blockchain Association, COALA, NEAR, the DAO Research Collective, and the World Economic Fund.


CityDAO has been leading an effort to establish a DAO Coalition for the purposes of advocating on behalf of CityDAO and all DAOs. DAOs face both risks and opportunities. It is critical that DAOs come together to speak with one voice on issues that impact the sector.

As it relates to risks, as a result of our relationship with the Blockchain Association, earlier this year we were made aware of interests in Washington, D.C., such as the Crowdfunding Professional Association, which have been advocating to the SEC with appeals that are directly averse to the existence of DAOs. More recently, we’ve seen the CFTC sue Ooki DAO on allegations that, as an unincorporated association, it violated federal laws.

As far as opportunities, this summer, Senators Gillibrand and Lummis introduced S. 4356, the Lummis-Gillibrand Responsible Financial Innovation Act, which, if enacted, would, for the first time, provide a federal framework for DAOs. This legislation would provide an opportunity for the DAO Coalition, on behalf of CityDAO and all DAOs, to provide a positive narrative to policymakers about the promise of DAOs.

It is in light of the aforementioned risks and opportunities that the DAO Coalition has been holding monthly conference calls since its informal inception this summer. DAOs are being formed every day and, according to DeepDAO, there are almost 5,000 DAOs in existence to date. The DAO Coalition aims to harness that collective voice, but requires a small contribution from representative DAOs to begin its operations. To this end, the DAO Coalition is requesting a contribution to assist with the coalition’s formal establishment.

Other DAO representatives also are asking their respective DAOs for contributions and Lobby3 has secured its own $10,000 commitment. CityDAO’s $9,999 contribution would help ensure that CityDAO would play a leadership role as the DAO Coalition is formed.

Scottfits and Stuttgart currently are listed as CityDAO representatives within the DAO Coalition and this proposal would aim to have them represent CityDAO as Directors of the formal DAO Coalition. None of the CityDAO $10,000 contribution would go to Scott or Stuttgart. In the event that Scottfits is not available, David will take his role as CityDAO representative.


This proposal requests a one-time disbursement of $9,999 in USDC to the DAO Coalition treasury. Other DAOs also have been asked and may contribute money to this fund.


Once the DAO Coalition has secured the necessary funding, the coalition would aim to take the necessary steps to formalize in Q4 2022 or Q1 2023.


There is little risk to CityDAO from this contribution other than the coalition not being able to raise the sufficient amount of funds to formalize and we believe that given the number of other DAOs in the coalition we should be able to raise these funds. If the coalition is unsuccessful in raising necessary funding, the coalition would reimburse CityDAO.


The project would create a new legal entity outside of CityDAO, but would not create a new tax burden for CityDAO. Should CityDAO also wish to provide a small sustaining contribution for ongoing activities after the DAO Coalition has been established, a separate CIP would be requested. Given the number of DAOs already in the coalition, we would not anticipate that a request to DAO Coalition members for such sustaining funding would be more than $10,000 per year, per coalition member.


The first and most obvious benefit to CityDAO is the preservation of its existence. While CityDAO operates entirely within the law as an LLC, we are confronted with an uncertain legal landscape with pitfalls and obstacles. CityDAO seeks not only to exist but to collaborate with other DAOs and create IRL spaces for other DAOs to flourish. To that end, our presence as a leader in lobbying efforts keeps CityDAO in an important position in the DAO space.

Another key benefit comes from the collaborations and relationships with other DAOs that such a presence will foster. Working hand in hand with organizations like Bankless, Aragon, Polygon, the Blockchain Association, NEAR and the World Economic Fund has benefits that cannot be adequately measured in dollars or in the short term. For the $10K contribution this CIP seeks, it could benefit CityDAO immeasurably.

A third benefit is the engagement with larger communities and increased awareness of CityDAO. Having our name associated with so many other DAOs, each of them with many thousands of members, all of whom are committed to the web3 and DAO space, being in a leadership position within the DAO Coalition could serve as wonderful, perpetual marketing.

3 votes
2 years ago


TL/DR: The Big Parcel Project will be rebranded as t0wn. Instead of buying thousands of acres and selling thousands of tokens to individuals to try to build a vast “city,” we will target only high-level DAOs (20-30) to sell high-priced tokens in order to create a “t0wn” governed entirely by DAOs rather than individuals. Think NATO, or UN, or Davos for DAOs. If CityDAO creates it, we will have a seat at the table, prestige, and governance in the new world order.

The project is in 3 stages, as is the budget, which serves to compensate the team, to hire people as needed, and pay for devs to create the token if we get to that point. The land to be purchased is not specifically designated at this stage of the process, and may range from a building in a distressed city or university campus to an exquisite lodge in a lush wooded area (see deck, linked below, for more details).


CityDAO will lay the foundation for the first ever town governed by a group of DAOs. After identifying and securing an appropriate property, CityDAO will create a low-supply, high cost token which will be purchased by a hand-selected group of DAOs in order to fund the acquisition of the property. These DAOs will become the founding members of t0wn, with CityDAO as its “founder.”

Here is a deck that more completely and visually articulates our ambition: https://pitch.com/public/4a22922a-a2bc-4855-8a5b-1338e4a4432f

t0wn will be carried out in three consecutive stages: (1) R&D, (2) Development, and (3) Execution. All stages will be executed entirely by the t0wn Team (defined below).


In Stage One, the t0wn team will: Identify viable properties; Call agents representing viable properties to understand parameters, timing of sales, etc; Host Twitter spaces to promote the t0wn project, generate interest from other DAOs and web3 orgs, and get feedback; Talk to DAO leaders one-on-one and get LOIs / commitments to be inaugural t0wn members; Consult with state and local officials in areas where we have identified viable properties; Begin to sort out legal implications of DAOs co-owning a property


WEEKS: ACTION 1 - 4: Identify viable properties 2 - 6: Call real estate agents for viable properties to understand parameters, timing of sale, etc 3 - 7: Host Twitter spaces to promote the t0wn project, get other DAOs interested, and get feedback 4 - 8: Talk to DAO leaders one-on-one and get LOIs / commitments to be inaugural t0wn members 4 - 8: Start to sort out legal implications of DAOs co-owning a property


For stage one of this project (R&D), $58,000 USDC will be transferred to the Big Parcel multisig (to be rebranded as "t0wn multisig") immediately upon the passing of this CIP. This money will be allocated as follows:

Team compensation: $32,000 USDC (based on 8 weeks, 10 hrs/wk at $100 p/h x 4). Discretionary expense budget: $20,000 USDC (to be added to what’s already in the Big Parcel multisig) for marketing, legal, etc. If certain conditions are met (see below), stage two (Development) will be triggered.


Ten DAOs signing LOIs (Letters of Intent) stating their intention to become founding members of t0wn at a token price of greater than or equal to $75k will automatically trigger Stage Two, and its budget will be sent immediately to the Big Parcel/t0wn multisig. This trigger can also be met by any number of DAOs that commit via LOI a total of not less than $750,000.

If more time and/or funding is needed in Stage One to acquire the LOIs, the t0wn team may use funds from the discretionary fund to pay for up to four more weeks of work (including team comp) at the same rate as above. For clarity, should the Stage One tasks take longer than 12 weeks to complete, the team will receive no further compensation until/unless the project enters Stage Two.

If the t0wn Team wishes to proceed to Stage Two with a total financial commitment lower than $750k, this will be subject to the passing of a separate CIP.


In Stage Two, the t0wn team will: Manage token design and legal contract development; Continue to host Twitter Spaces and get LOIs from additional DAOs, with the intent of including 20-30 founding orgs; Keep tabs on all viable properties, set up legal entities and put all the logistical pieces in place so as soon as the project is funded, the property purchase can take place immediately.


WEEKS: ACTION 1 - 4: Select and engage token team 1 - 4: Select and engage legal counsel to draft applicable contracts 4 - 8: Manage token team 4 - 8: Manage legal counsel 1 - 8: Call real estate agents for viable properties to understand parameters, timing of sale, etc 1 - 8: Continue to host Twitter spaces to promote the t0wn project, get other DAOs interested, and get feedback 1 - 8: Continue to talk to DAO leaders one-on-one and get LOIs / commitments to be inaugural t0wn members


If the Stage Two trigger is met, an additional $102,000 USDC will be transferred to the Big Parcel multisig immediately. This money will be allocated as follows:

$25k for Dev and PM time, token design $25k for legal fees $32k team compensation (same rate as above, for 8 more weeks) $20k discretionary fund (in addition to whatever is already in the safe)


In Stage Three, the t0wn team will: Distribute the token to the founding member DAOs; funds go to the Big Parcel multisig; t0wn team will use the funds to buy the property; t0wn begins!


TBD - It is too early to determine the appropriate budget for the Execution stage; therefore, the t0wn team will post a separate CIP for funding when the time comes.


If t0wn is a success, CityDAO citizens stand to benefit considerably, in a number of ways:

Membership Tokens: In return for funding the genesis of t0wn (i.e. Stages One and Two, $160k upfront spend) CityDAO will get either: Three (3) membership tokens, or a membership stake valued at $225k, whichever is greater.

Governance: CityDAO also gets the governance benefit of holding more membership tokens, which is likely to be the most powerful position in the collective unless another DAO opts to buy more than one membership token.

Citizen Memberships: CityDAO Citizens will enjoy all the benefits of membership in t0wn, in many cases at a greater rate/quantity due to CityDAO’s larger membership stake in t0wn.

Brand / Prestige: CityDAO will be branded / marketed as the “founder” of t0wn, while the initial member DAOs will be “founding members.”

t0wn TEAM

Da3vid: Vision and Legal David is an attorney licensed in New York since 2005, has a Masters and is now studying for his Ph.D. in Sociology related to DAOs and the metaverse. He has been teaching business law, management and organizational behavior at an international university for 15 years. He also ran the two largest improvisational theater companies in China for a decade (one in English, one in Chinese) with valuations in the millions of USD while also creating and running his own highly successful theater company, all in Chinese.

David was on the CityDAO Council, helped to write the Charter and Operating Agreement, facilitated the Legal Guild, served on the first Mission Guild and is currently the facilitator of the Education & Research Guild, which he also founded.

Gugz: Vision and Project Management Gugz has been producing film and television, everything from shorts and music videos to feature documentaries and big-budget TV, for more than a decade. He has taken dozens of projects from zero to scale. He helped start a management company a decade ago as its first employee and has developed ideas into global films and series. In one instance, he was part of a team of four producers who created an entirely independent, $70 million season of television, for which they built a TV studio from scratch, all in the name of creator ownership (THE FIRST, starring Sean Penn, on Hulu).

Gugz has served in various leadership positions at CityDAO over the past year, including writing its charter with a team of collaborators and founding its grants program. He is co-founder of R3WIND (formerly BlockbusterDAO), a decentralized media organization.

Tasafila: Marketing and Design Tasafila has worked as a creative and growth strategist in B2B Tech, E-Commerce and Web3; building campaigns, LMS systems and go-to-market strategies for major brands such as IBM, Oracle, Reef, Whirlpool, Therabody, and more. He launched his self-funded vegan grocery startup in 2020 and shipped nationwide. He pulled interest from Shark Tank and an activation with American Airlines before exiting in 2021.

In early 2022, Tasafila launched BlockbusterDAO which garnered global media attention and formed one of the largest web3 grassroots communities in the world, without ever spending a dime on advertising or marketing.

ScottA: DAO Partnerships and Economics Scott has worked for the government developing programs to end homelessness and alleviate poverty (Housing First Edmonton). He has taught university classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels in economics. He has a strong background in data analysis and various programming languages, such as R. He also has a background in music; he wrote and produced two full-length albums under the band “Making a Monster.”

In 2022, Scott completed a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Alberta with a focus on economic growth. He graduated with top marks and is set to publish two journal articles in reputable publications (Journal of Economic History and the Journal of Institutional Economics). He has taken an active role in CityDAO and organized successful initiatives such as the CityDAO Conference and Journal.

MULTISIG Funds will be sent to the current Big Parcel multisig. Tasafila and ScottA will be added as signers, with Blackacres remaining on as an independent overseer, to make it a 3/5 multisig.

FINE PRINT In the spirit of fostering a more autonomous and project-based culture at CityDAO, the following will be effective immediately upon the passing of this CIP:

Utilization of CityDAO Members: The t0wn project may opt to, but will in no way be obligated to, utilize any personnel or individuals employed by, receiving funds from or in any way affiliated with CityDAO. The decision of whom to work rests entirely upon the judgment of the t0wn Team.

Process of Work: Such that any CityDAO executive body, committee, guild or team is in place at the time this CIP passes (ex. the Planning Guild), this project will not be subject to its authority.

Separation of Authority: t0wn will be set in motion by the t0wn team on behalf of CityDAO, but the project, such that it exists, will ultimately be owned and governed by its member DAOs. The t0wn project will create its own operating agreement and will not be bound by the CityDAO operating agreement. t0wn may utilize any legal structure that is suitable, including but not limited to an LLC, non-profit, trust, UNA, etc.

Access to Twitter, Discord and Social Media: This project requires the use of the CityDAO Twitter and Discord accounts. If this CIP passes, the t0wn team will have the ability to post on the CityDAO Twitter, host Twitter Spaces, etc. Web3 Funding: While the focus will be on DAOs, we will also consider funding from Web3 organizations that are not technically DAOs, for example, the Ethereum foundation.

3 votes
2 years ago

CIP-111 DAOLabs Space in Denver, CO.


DAO Labs will be an innovation hub for aspiring and current Web3 enthusiasts, developers, engineers, designers and community members.

Co-working spaces such as WeWork are expensive and adopt a corporate and formal culture, one that struggles to embrace and encourage innovation and creative thinking.

DAOLabs aims to provide these creators and innovators with a new type of working model that seeks to be engaging, and fair and promotes building and innovation.

DAOLabs does this in a number of ways;

The Launch

The launch of DAOLabs Denver will provide citizens with free access to the DAOLabs for the first 90 days of Launch. During this time, the DAOLabs team aims to finalise the development of the Partial Common Ownership business model and the future development of the project.

Future Benefits

  • Off-Peak free access to Citizens
  • xx hours worth of free access passes per month (To be determined)
  • Priority Booking during on-peak hours


DAOLabs proposes Denver, Colorado as the initial location. This is due to a number of factors such as:

  • Reasonable lease prices: Lease prices in Denver are better valued than in some other researched states such as NY, TX, FL, CA, Etc
  • Denver’s Tech Community: Denver is known for its bustling tech and startup community.
  • ETHDenver: This is one of the largest crypto events and having a location where we can facilitate a space for people to build throughout the event, but also gain publicity through the event.
  • Central Location: Denver, CO is quite a central location to other states in the USA.
  • Denver is extremely close to both Parcel 0 and Parcel Blanca and can act as a hub/lab between the two.

Future Locations

Pending the success of DAOLabs Denver, DAOLabs aims to open a number of similar spaces to be used by citizens around the globe.


DAOLabs aims to be community driven. Certain amounts of capital can be allocated by the community to upgrade the locations for their benefit and at their specification.

QV Funding

DAOLabs will utilise QV Funding models to fund projects within the locations. The goal of this is to fund startups and projects in the DAOLabs space in a fair and efficient manner.


Members of DAOLabs can earn sponsorship for themselves and their teams. This is done through our sponsors and aims to provide top projects and individuals with the opportunity to bootstrap their development.

Partial Common Ownership -Desk Lease

Partial Common ownership (PCO) is a new form of ownership and of managing assets that is fairer and more efficient than those under capitalism or communism.

In PCO or Plural Property assets belong to no one and everyone. An asset’s current possessor must self-assess and declare its value. Based on the self-assessed value, they pay a fee, which can be used to fund public goods, or distributed as a social dividend. If somebody bids more for that asset, current possessors sell it for their self-assessed value, resulting in more benefits for the public.

DAOLabs Inherits Mechanisms from PCO and Plural Property to create a unique ownership model for our builder Space.

Users of the space will have the ability to view all of the desks available each day.

Desks may utilise a lease structure incorporating PCO to obtain the maximum economic benefit from each desk and location allowing DAOLabs to grow at an optimal rate.


CIP-111 proposes the following:

  • Full support from CityDAO for media assistance and coordination

  • $162,500 to cover the lease of the property for 1 year.

  • $47,500 to cover any other incurred expenses *Incurred expenses include design & development budget, travel costs, insurance, maintenance etc.

  • $20,000 Compensation to the team for execution and setup of the space


  1. Snapshot Completion Date: 22th October 2022

  2. Lease engagement: 23rd October - 23rd November 2022

  3. Lease Start Date: 23rd November 2022

  4. DAOLabs Opening: 24th November 2022

  5. DAOLabs Business Model and Software Refinement: 24th February 2023


Milestone 1: Snapshot Completion

Milestone 2: Space Lease and Organisation

Milestone 3: Partners Onboarding

Milestone 4: Space Launch and Citizen Introduction


CIP-111 aims to deliver the following to CityDAO Community:

  • Business Opportunity
  • Space for citizens
  • Space to try real-life experiments

Partnership Opportunities

DAOLabs will aim to establish partnerships with the following entities in technology and Web3.

  • Venture Capitalist Firms: To provide support and assistance to sponsor projects in DAOLabs
  • Technology Groups: To advance the adoption of web3 into web2 through DAOLabs projects
  • Major Blockchain Protocols: To provide support and assistance to sponsor projects in DAOLabs.


  1. Oisin Lyons (Lyons800) - Lead on Space
  2. Konrad - Operations Assist
  3. Josh - Real estate
  4. A fourth Member may be brought on to assist

Next Steps

  1. Pass Snapshot Proposal

  2. Create CIP-111 Team Multi-sig with the member proposed

  3. Send $230,000 from the main treasury to the multisig

  4. Off-ramp funds if necessary for proof of funding requirements on lease.

3 votes
2 years ago

CIP-123: CityDAO In-Person Meetup and Team Building

October 1st-5th 2022

After hearing about the success of the CityDAO facilitator retreat in May, and having spoken with many of the participants, we believe it’s in CityDAO’s best interests to have another IRL meetup. Zeno’s Family Property in Oregon

We propose to meet at a property owned by Zeno’s family near Portland, Oregon - approximately 35 min from Portland International Airport. Zeno’s property includes the following amenities:

12 beds and 3 bathrooms TV / Internet Pool Table Access to Sandy River and recreation 60 acres of land

CityDAO citizens will have an entire house on the property, configured as: Room A - 6 beds / 1 full bathroom Room B - 4 beds / 1 full bathroom in hallway Room C - 2 beds / 1 full bathroom Camper Vans, RVs, and tents are an option as well, bring your own!

Facilitator compensation for Zeno and PatSantiago would be $500 each (USDC acceptable).

Cost to rent the house is $850/night (USDC acceptable). Travel Stipend- Distance traveled * 0.10 = USDC received Example- If you travel 5,300 miles you get $530 USDC

A capped budget of $18,750 to be spent on lodging, food, travel stipend, and extracurricular expenses.

Food may be provided $25 for breakfast per person and dinner $35 per person


Relationship and team building- Talking in person over the course of days will bring great benefit in connecting people and solidifying teams working on upcoming projects such as CIP 100 etc. With the main objective being expedited decision making and broad strategy setting.

We also aim to use this event as an experiment for planning other IRL events around the globe.

3 votes
2 years ago

Temp Check: Use Leftover Planning Guild Funds for land acquisition


In CIP-69, the planning guild was authorized to spend $50k in discretionary spending. $10k was transferred to the bank account to cover some SaaS expenses and legal fees. $40k remains.

Proposed Use

As Q3 is coming to an end, Scott and Josh propose using the remaining $40k, or however much remains after documented Planning expenses, to acquire 3-5 more parcels of land next to Baby Parcel in Alamosa, CO, so that we can make more parcels available to Citizens and start to bootstrap a neighborhood there. These parcels will be available for citizens to lease and use. One may be kept for CityDAO collectively as a town square.

Why this proposal?

This is technically an allowed action already under governance, but is a less traditional use of the funds. We wanted to check with the DAO.

  • A YES vote asks planning to use leftover funds to buy more baby parcels
  • a NO vote will ask the planning guild to return the funds to the main treasury

3 votes
2 years ago

CIP-112: Parcel Zero Autonomization

Parcel Zero is CityDAO’s largest and most significant effort to date. It is a Wyoming DAO’s first land purchase. The NFT project was a monumental step towards putting land on chain. Of all our existing guilds/efforts/projects/etc. this is the only other one that has a separate NFT which controls access/governance/etc… Parcel Zero is our only project that has a separate entity which holds the land and through which Parcel Zero NFT holders interact, and “Parcel Zero, LLC” merits an arms length relationship.

The possibilities for Parcel Zero have not been fully realized. While there are significant limitations for what can be done with the land, there remains a great deal of potential within the related Parcel Zero effort. Which direction we go needs to be determined by Parcel Zero NFT holders through the governance granted to them. However, very little is possible with no funding available. Additionally, we have known expenses which will exist, and past expenses which have yet to be paid.

Taking all of this into consideration, it is important that we recognize the Parcel Zero effort for the significance that it holds, and grant Parcel Zero NFT holders enough autonomy and funding to govern meaningfully. Without this a not insignificant amount of energy will be consumed making small asks along the way, and it will be that much more difficult to fully realize the value of holding a Parcel Zero NFT. This proposal provides a baseline foundation intended to prevent the project from languishing and maintain the current momentum.

FUNDING This CIP requests $73k for the following:

~$5k (estimate) to support the Parcel Zero development team at the desired level. As part of the final monumental push to get the Parcel Zero Reveal across the line, many team members made contributions beyond what was expected to make the reveal and app amazing. The rollout was better than many professional organizations, and the near complete lack of concerns/issues post reveal is a testament to success of their efforts. This is a small buffer that grants the development team the ability to retroactively compensate those people for additional work performed. Distribution to be determined by the team who was responsible for delivering the Parcel Viewer app & Metadata Reveal.

~$15k (estimate) to cover costs of minting and distributing the remaining ~900 unminted Parcel Zero NFT’s. Note that the entirety of these would be exclusively for Parcel Zero NFT holders to allocate (CityDAO has already been granted their share of 100), but in order to save on costs of a second transfer CityDAO will hold these in trust and distribute them as instructed by Parcel Zero governance. This is only to earmark the cash; there is no distribution schedule at this time. Parcel Zero NFT holders will determine how these are distributed through separate Parcel Zero Improvement Proposal(s) or similar governance process.

~$20k (estimate per @fugyeah) to cover essential costs on the parcel for 10 years (taxes, insurance, and basic maintenance). Intended to remain in trust and cover expenses as incurred.

~$33k to continue development and experiment with what is possible. This small seed would unburden Parcel Zero NFT holders from the need to justify spend from a separate entity. This commitment from the CityDAO community will create opportunity to explore what is possible related to Parcel Zero, at the discretion of Parcel Zero NFT holders.

Note that many of these items are approximations. Although these best estimates are believed to be reasonable, some of the monies from the general fund may be necessary to cover under-estimated amounts, and for any category which is under-utilized, any remaining funds will become available for general development and experimentation related to Parcel Zero (i.e., contributing to or taking from the bucket above).

DISCORD COMMUNITY A Parcel Zero NFT holder is deserving of the same rights and privilege that we grant to Citizenship holders, albeit through separate mechanisms. Additionally, we will have Parcel Zero NFT holders who do not hold a citizenship nor have interest in existing CityDAO activities.

Proposal is for a structure that looks very similar to the current guild approach. This provides continuity for the look and feel that citizens have come to expect over the last year, and creates a space which makes it easy for Parcel Zero NFT holders to focus time and attention in a familiar way:

A new Discord Category for Parcel Zero similar to what we have for current guilds. A new self-selected Discord role for Parcel Zero, allowing users to self-select into discussions in #unlock-channels A new verification process for Parcel Zero NFT holders, similar to what we have for the current Citizenship NFT for locked channels Within the new Discord category, we would expect to create access similar to what we have for our current guilds, including:

General Public CityDAO Citizenship NFT only Parcel Zero NFT only Both CityDAO Citizenship NFT and Parcel Zero NFT etc. It is initially proposed that DenverCitizen9 be granted full authority over the new Parcel Zero Discord category to set up, manage, and experiment with the layout of the channels, similar to the local authority that we currently grant to existing guilds. Note that this is in addition to, not in lieu of existing admin control, and there is no expectation that DenverCitizen9 will gain any type of facilitator role or additional privilege or recognition related to the Parcel Zero effort; the purpose is to unburden the current CityDAO team.

GOVERNANCE While it may be reasonable to expect Parcel Zero NFT holders to initially follow a process similar to what was established for CityDAO, a separate Snapshot category will be necessary as governance rights are unrelated to the existing CityDAO citizenship. This may need to be tied to the Parcel Zero ENS (though it is not known who currently holds that).

TREASURY MANAGEMENT If this CIP passes, NFT holders are expected to voice opinions and make a determination for who has the ability to distribute related Parcel Zero funds. Ideally this would happen after a selection process and Parcel Zero NFT holder vote. A review of the LLC documentation would likely be necessary to understand what is possible and/or expected.

2 votes
2 years ago

CIP-115: CityDAO Academic Conference and Journal


This CIP seeks funding for ScottA to continue to assist in planning the first annual CityDAO Academic Conference and to continue work with numerous authors on the CityDAO Journal. ScottA was previously bountied to work on these tasks, but as the Q3 Education & Research Guild budget has been reduced by 50%, his work is now being presented as an independent project. This CIP requests $1200 + 2 Citizenship NFTs per month for his work.


One of the most exciting initiatives in the Education & Research Guild is the development of the first annual CityDAO Academic Conference, which will be held virtually from Sept 3-4, 2022. The event brings together various experts in different aspects of blockchain and web3 education. The ultimate goal is to start a positive feedback loop intertwining a cutting-edge web3 city with education. Education and cities induce powerful positive externalities. This dynamic has boot-strapped great cities in the past and is a model for doing so in the future.

Connected with the conference is CityDAO Journal, which is a method to explore the ideas that will build web3 cities and establish CityDAO as a thought leader in this space. The Journal seeks to discuss vital concepts and to push them forward while at the same time producing content to attract people via thoughtful engagement.

ScottA recently finished a Ph.D. in economics and is currently set to publish two journal articles. He has a strong research background and is highly qualified to lead such a project.


ScottA has helped to curate relationships with 45 student blockchain associations, 30 education-related DAOs, and numerous other potential contributors. Contact methods have included emailing, engaging on Twitter and discord, and via LinkedIn. Thus far, of the groups contacted, about 35% have replied, and 25% plan to participate in the conference.

ScottA has spent over 60 hours contacting, following up, and conversing with the above-noted groups. This will be valuable in numerous ways for CityDAO moving forward – building a city will require many partnerships and resources. We now have keynote speakers, 5 panel discussions and 2 roundtable discussions. He has additionally developed and maintained a detailed spreadsheet of all contacts, which is valuable to CityDAO.

During this past quarter, ScottA has also helped to oversee the CityDAO Journal. This has produced content related to Quadratic Voting/Funding and Social Tokens. The articles have gained considerable readership using metrics such as twitter likes and retweets. One citizen stated that finding the articles was the reason they joined CityDAO. ScottA has spent over 45 hours writing, editing and developing others’ content, and doing research related to the articles.

Finally, ScottA has contributed to initiatives such as the CityDAO book (currently writing multiple chapters), the Study Group (attended all the groups and led the discussion on 2 occasions), and broadly to the ultimate vision of CityDAO University.


Successful delivery of the CityDAO Academic Conference

Success metrics will include the number of total citizens and non-citizens attending, satisfaction, and engagement. A metric will be derived called “key connections.” A “key connection” will be established if a participant attended the majority of the conference and, in a follow-up survey, indicated a desire to have further involvement with CityDAO.

Continued Maintenance of the CityDAO Journal

The articles should be measured as successful if they attract traffic and encourage involvement in CityDAO. Metrics have not yet been established, but ScottA will work in partnership with the media guild to do so.

The articles produced will focus on quality over quantity. The goal would be 1-2 articles per month and should be highly aligned with topics in the Web3 space and CityDAO. This will include articles that may result from the CityDAO Academic Conference

Establish the CityDAO Think Tank

One key goal of the Education & Research Guild is to pivot from maintaining numerous independent initiatives to becoming a think tank for projects that are proposed by citizens. ScottA will work with David to develop a process for citizens who require research to be matched with key resources and for those resources to be properly overseen, evaluated, bountied and compensated to maximize quality and effectiveness.


During Q2, ScottA was bountied at 20 hours per week at $30 per hour. Given budgetary restrictions, this CIP proposes that his hours be reduced to 10 hours per week for a rate of $300 per week + 2 Citizenship NFTs per month.

2 votes
2 years ago

CIP-114: Teach Anything! with Tippi Fifestarr


Since May 20th, Tippi has, for free and on his own, created and run a successful bi-monthly event within the Education & Research Guild called “Teach Anything!” This CIP explains the event’s success, creates deliverables for Q3 and asks for basic funding to continue this event. This CIP asks for $950 per month for the development of the event + 1 NFT for the quarter as retroactive comp for Tippi.


The foundation of a city is not land, it is community. The foundation of a community is people and culture. A strong culture requires four elements: ritual, storytelling, artifacts and language. CityDAO seeks to be a city. This necessitates a community that grows together. Events where people gather to share knowledge and stories provide critical elements of shared culture.

In May 2022, Tippi began an event called “Teach Anything!”, which is held twice a month. It consists of 4 presenters who speak on topics of interest. The purpose of this event is not only to show that anyone can teach, but also to help people share their stories and knowledge, and to help people improve their presentation skills.


Using the metric of “citizen time”, Teach Anything! is one of the most successful initiatives in CityDAO. Over the past 3 months, it has generated over 55 hours of citizen engagement. At least 20 different citizens have attended overall, with a high rate of retention as measured by return attendance and requests to present again.

Including Tippi, 8 unique citizens have presented. Only 2 presenters missed their slots in the 5 sessions, and both of them came to the next session and taught. Feedback from the citizens has been positive as measured by informal polls. There are almost no comparable initiatives that have been done for free by members of CityDAO, undertaken for the good of the community without compensation.

Here is a list of topics that were presented:

Intro to Teach Anything, Listening to the Audience, How to give Quality Feedback, How to Ask for Money, Web3 Acronyms, The Relevance of Fruit, Types of Fruits and Health Benefits of 20+ Different Fruits, Introduction to Marketing: What is Marketing (part 1), Introduction to Marketing: What is Marketing (season 1 part 2), Why I Love Design Thinking, From Dirt to Data (Deep dive on Plot 0), How to Write a Pitch Deck, What I Learned at Permissionless.

The variety of topics (Anything!) and the juxtaposition of quality (Anyone!) make this event novel and interesting and keep people coming back.


Development of a feedback and evaluation process using established Human Resource Management (HRM) techniques, to be led by Tippi and guided by David. David has been a professor of HRM for over 5 years at an accredited undergraduate university. Charted qualitative and quantitative analyses of various key metrics, such as distributions of participants, satisfaction, effectiveness of training, quality of guidance, etc. These metrics form the basis of analyses that can be used across guilds. Experimenting with alternate times and meeting locations besides Discord, particularly Gather.Town, to host the Teach Anything! events. REQUEST FOR FUNDING

So far, Tippi has run this event for 3 months without any compensation or request for compensation. This demonstrates a commitment to the success of CityDAO and should be rewarded. This CIP would award 1 Citizenship NFT to Tippi retroactively for his contributions.

Facilitating this event, analyzing the data and continually improving quality is believed to take approximately 5 hours per week. At $40 per hour, this would be $200 per week, or $800 per month. Additionally, $150 per month is requested for discretionary funds, which may be used to experiment with rewarding presenters, participants, survey takers and other metric providers. This $150 will not be used for compensation to Tippi.

2 votes
2 years ago

CIP-69 Q3 Guild Structure and Budget


The following is a proposal for the re-structuring of CityDAO Guilds and a new budget structure for 2022 Q3.

CIP-69, if passed, will retroactively compensate contributors from the 11th July under the new budget Structure. CIP-69 will be for the quarter period July 1st to September 30th.

Each Document can be found in this Google Drive Folder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NxCXM-ihPwYwvq6G8Njjufhf5O3Cplb9?usp=sharing


The CIP-69 Structure separates Guilds into two different Categories; Functional and Resource. This is done to assist with a leaner approach to execution and engagement, while at the same time, promoting a project based approach to CityDAO comp and deliverables.

Functional Guilds:

These are guilds designed to run the necessary operations of CityDAO so that it remains functional. These guilds will have the necessary manpower to execute things like: Financial Forecasting, Taxes, Salaries, legal work, compliance work, community management, discord, social media, marketing, events, media work, public affairs, grants, investments. etc.

These will not have onboarding flows and not have extra contributors. They are run specifically for functionality of Citydao.

Resource Guilds:

These guilds are the talent and resources necessary for CityDAO to grow. These guilds will have onboarding flows and contributors that are encouraged to join and complete bounties. These guilds will have 1 (2 in rare cases) facilitators with the task of doing VERY administrative guild work and with the main focus being encouraging onboarding, helping with resource allocation, guidance on projects that have their guild involved.

Projects: ( Project Empowerment (CIP-65))

Projects are ultimately what will push CityDAO forward. Projects will be proposed via CIP flow and managed by Planning & Operations. Management for these projects will be: Helping with the CIP flow, review of team and resources required, allocation of guild resources by working with the guild lead. Oversight of current CIPs and contact with leads for projects.

Projects are designed to mainly use Resource Guilds as a talent pool for a project team to execute on something. Resource Guild Facilitators will be tasked with working with Planning & Operations to find talent within the guilds and assign them to the project team.


Draft 1 - 9th July Draft 2 - 10th July Draft 3 - 13th July Final Draft - 17th July Snapshot - 17th July Completion - 25th July Implementation - 26th-31st July

City Court Structure - Q3

The CityDAO Court requires amendment to the charter and this document serves as an overview of the structure proposed.

Until an amended draft is completed and the CityDAO Court structure is complete, the CityDAO Mission Guild will remain intact.

New Guild Structure - Q3

Authorised until end of Q3 2022

  • Design Guild: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fNVJVrsSK7bS3pHedIuEuApeC4z2gXfO/view?usp=sharing

  • Legal and Finance Guild: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v78nMkJpkSpntYUBEVI9DYRWnlH16tuS/view?usp=sharing

  • Grants and Innovations Guild: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kDQtkjqaKIQPh5EfaXHVxPkF9TizNZTx/view?usp=sharing

  • Community Guild: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lJMh9Na6JJ_Cdlr8_HzJ5bph-KGuvYWK/view?usp=sharing

  • Education and Research Guild: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iiTZ55KHTRY5HX9je5432Ou8C1lcw7Ap/view?usp=sharing

  • Media Guild: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12ah723RAkZF9y4FjTIpjfpXS1qM1p5In/view?usp=sharing

  • Planning & Operations Guild: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FcEeOVEMUQ-hmUaUHwsLn4Lgy1hjFdvV/view?usp=sharing

  • Real Estate Guild: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zPldvUa4FSh8t_zTvV59uIUcOUELtsS2/view?usp=sharing

  • Development Guild: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J-9hQEtWZcnsQZWTmzeLnac6FjzxQ8vw/view?usp=sharing

Q3 Budget


Authorised until end of Q3 2022


2 votes
2 years ago

CIP-102: Acquire Baby Parcel for NFT Leases

Proposal full text:



This proposal aims to acquire a small piece of land and authorizes off-ramping $9,999 for acquisition of the parcel that will be used for experimental NFT leases. The project will serve as a prototype for the Big Parcel project and leases will be made available to Citizens. The project team will research parcels and give the community a few parcel options to choose between.

We propose the Baby Parcel project, with 3 goals:

  • Purchasing a parcel of land and make NFT land leases available to CityDAO Citizens. This will be a breakthrough crypto primitive- the first NFTs that represent rights to visit, use, and potentially even build on land. It’s a step towards land ownership NFTs.
  • Serve as a prototype for the Big Parcel (CIP 66) project and test learnings on a smaller scale while a larger land purchase is scouted.
  • Serve as a logical next step to Parcel 0, adding more rights to the NFT land agreements.
  • We view this as the training wheels for learning how to ride the Big Parcel bike with NFT leases, land purchases outside of Wyoming, and more.

Specifically, we propose to purchase a vacant piece of land in the San Luis Valley of Colorado, where land is cheap, near tourist attractions such as Great Sand Dunes National Park, and where there are minimal HOAs or land use restrictions - for $9,999 or less - and to then experiment with subdivided leasehold interests for the holders of the NFTs. For example, CityDAO could purchase a 5 acre lot for around $5k, and “subdivide” the parcel into 10 half-acre parcels that would represent certain rights related to each sub-plot (Baby Parcel NFTs). We could also look at using Harberger mechanisms for rights transfers and additional value creation for CityDAO.

Project Facilitator Team:

Josh - Project Lead, real estate transactions Scott - real estate Lyons - strategy Konrad - operations Gugz - Big Parcel liaison and planning Project Team: facilitators will select and reward up to 6 Citizens who aid the project in dev, media, and design.

Project Facilitator Rewards: $2,500 USDC + 3 Citizen NFTs each

Project Team Rewards: $1,000 USDC + 1 Citizen NFT each

Additionally - CityDAO will retain one Baby Parcel NFT and the Project Facilitator and Project Team will collectively get the right to decide what to do with said NFT as a collective team.

Please Note - the rewards are an incentive for completion of the project. Upon successful launch of Baby Parcel NFTs as determined by the multisig holders, the multisig is authorized to transfer the comp.

Benefits for CityDAO / the Community:

Community Engagement – The Baby Parcel will provide CityDAO with a project that is achievable in the short run. The community will have something to be executed about, and the “doers” can get back to work adding value to CityDAO in a meaningful way. Once news of the Baby Parcel breaks, CityDAO can expect an influx of interested and willing contributors to step forward.

Innovating in NFTs and Real Estate: the Baby Parcel will provide a safe environment to be used as a proving ground for concepts that are relevant for Big Parcel execution (for example: land token experimentation, NFT transfer of property rights, potential Harberger experimentation, NFT design and execution, etc)

“Tuition” - The Baby Parcel will be the most important learning experience yet for CityDAO. CityDAO will have the opportunity to obtain intel / insight into the overall process without creating a “bet the DAO” situation as will be the case by the time we wish to move forward with the Big Parcel. For a legitimately minimal expense, CityDAO can find out what does - and does not - work with respect to creating a land token standard and using NFTs to allocate property rights. Whatever CityDAO learns from the Baby Parcel, it will be money well spent for the collective direction of the DAO and our mission.

Financial Considerations - Treasury Impact. The project team requests $9,999 offramped to the CityDAO bank account upon passage of this proposal for Parcel acquisition and legal costs. Any unused funds will be returned. This represents around 0.4% of our treasury.

Process Flow/Community Touch Points: a) This CIP-102 will be put up to Forum and then Snapshot for approval by the Community through governance.

b) If approved, the Community will be asked for a temp check “taste and preferences” vote (through Discord or less formal means than Snapshot) from between 3-5 selected parcels around 5 acres (For example: https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/Ll-9th-St-Lot-10_Blanca_CO_81123_M90319-30673 7; https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/7-Sixth-St_Blanca_CO_81123_M91246-07855 1; https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/Estrella-Rd-Lot-11_Blanca_CO_81123_M93297-21676 4).

c) After the vote, the Project Team will offramp fiat for the purchase, closing costs, and 10 years of approximate insurance and taxes, along with a budget provision for 10% of the purchase price to be used for other operating expenses (to be held in an interest-bearing account with the intent of finding ways to pay such expenses in crypto and potentially automate such processes)

d) The Project Team will consummate the transaction using an appropriate legal mechanism, like a wholly-owned special purpose vehicle (“SPV”) incorporated and designed to handle the liabilities and related issues of purchase and subsequent operation. CityDAO will fund the SPV’s treasury with the funds needed to consummate the transaction.

e) Once acquired, the Project Team would commence meetings with the Community to build momentum for how to use the Property in the short run. The intended short term goal will be to use NFTs and/or a token-land standard to transfer as many property rights to holders as possible without creating legal risk or running afoul of the law of course. We intend to prove-out concepts using an MVP model that will be instrumental to execution on the larger vision with the Big Parcel.

2 votes
2 years ago

CIP 66: The Big Parcel

PROPOSAL OVERVIEW: With a “Parcel 1” proposal already up on the CityDAO Forum, we propose a concurrent “Parcel 2” project, hereinafter referred to as “The Big Parcel”. This is a proposal for CityDAO to start looking for a large parcel of land, hundreds of acres in size, in America, which could be used for various city building purposes. The purpose of this proposal is to gauge community interest before we spend time searching for and analyzing alternatives. This proposal is NOT a business plan, a feasibility report or a full explanation of a sustainable path forward nor is it a balance of costs and revenues, legal issues or actual use.

CityDAO is a groundbreaking web3 project that seeks to create a city of the future. To realize this, CityDAO incorporated as an LLC, built a vibrant community of thousands of participants, and purchased Parcel 0. CityDAO then elected a council to create the City Charter. A guild structure was developed with eleven different teams, including finance, real estate, design, development, operations and education, all for the unified purpose of building a city. We are now ready for phase two of CityDAO - acquiring more parcels to scale our capabilities on all fronts, from revenue generation to experiments and more.

Many Citizens view the future of CityDAO as a “network city,” a network of physical locations around the world owned and managed by our DAO. Within the context of this vision, The Big Parcel is intended to be the primary physical headquarters of the DAO, where large numbers of people can gather, work, and live. The Big Parcel must be a large piece of land, or a partnership with an existing city, that has structures currently ready for use. It must also be able to accommodate a much wider range of experimental initiatives than Parcel 1, including but not limited to:

Co-living Co-working Retreats City Building Public Goods management and incentive structures Experimental ownership and governance schemes (i.e. Harberger Taxes/SALSA, QF, QV) Construction and Development Fractionalization / Tokenization Affordable Housing Location for development / use of software integrations such as NFT keys to physical doors and gates, blockchain-based property mgmt, etc.

THE REQUIRED ELEMENTS OF THE BIG PARCEL ARE: Multiple existing structures that can be utilized immediately Lots of acreage, ideally 500+ Reasonable proximity to an airport Ideologically aligned municipality / existing community

THE PREFERRED ELEMENTS OF THE BIG PARCEL ARE: Land that can easily be subdivided and / or there are processes in place on the local level that make it possible if you go through the motions Flexible zoning Existing legal precedent / statutory authority for creating / incorporating a true city

PROJECT TEAM: The initial Big Parcel Team will be led by Gugz and David. Other team members and guilds will be brought on as needed. Bounties may be offered to citizens for assistance where needed.

GUILDS INVOLVED: Planning & Operations, Legal, Real Estate, Finance, Design, Research, Public Affairs


BUDGET FOR PROJECT PROPOSAL: The discretionary budget for this proposal is $10,000, to be used only where needed for bounties or expenses. None of this money will go to either Gugz or David.

BUDGET FOR THE PROJECT: TBD based on parcel chosen


PROJECTED TIMELINE: The expected timeline to find The Big Parcel will be by the end of Q3 (end of August). This timeline may need to be adjusted as this is based on the availability of suitable parcels and potential unforeseen delays in government agencies replying to our inquiries.

Weeks 1-3: Search for and find 3-10 suitable parcels that meet the “Required Elements” listed above. At least one of these should be in Wyoming. This will be done through online searches and real estate agents. Other citizens may be bountied to help with this task, so long as this is done immediately. During this time, the “Big Parcel Funding Team” will be established.

Weeks 3-6: Each of these parcels shall receive a feasibility report, covering the legal, financial and public affairs assessments. Other guilds and facilitators will be tasked to help with relevant studies, such as notes on legal and financial feasibility.

Weeks 6-9: These feasibility reports will be expanded into business plans.

Weeks 9-12: The reports will be published to the community in a CIP for a one week discussion regarding preferences on parcels. It will be put to a Snapshot vote that the Big Parcel Team has the authority to make offers on the top 3 parcels. Offers will be made for the top 3 parcels. The offer that is accepted becomes the Big Parcel for CityDAO, our capital city.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Big Parcel Funding Team: A Big Parcel Funding Team will be created, which may include citizens from Grants, Legal and other guilds to explore how CityDAO would raise funding via possible requests for donations, NFT fractionalization, sales to accredited investors, VC involvement or other possible mechanisms. An investor deck will be created and a report prepared for each investment method.

Team Compensation: Team compensation will be addressed at a later date, subject to another CIP, when the project is farther along and/or complete.

4 votes
2 years ago

CIP 61 - Reimbursement for Parcel 0 Visit


This is a proposal to reimburse Guild Facilitators who went to Wyoming to work on CityDAO for one week, to visit possible parcels of land that CityDAO could purchase for building a city (Parcel 1) and to plant a flag on Parcel 0. This proposal was previously put on Snapshot, but was removed before a vote could be taken, due to procedural issues.


CityDAO began with a tweet from Scott Fitsimones on August 5th, 2021. In December 2021, the CityDAO City Council was formed through elections. They began work on a charter. The months from January to April were an exciting time, with numerous hours of city council meetings daily, and the eventual creation of the Charter, the Operating Agreement, and the Bundled Guild Proposal, all of which passed via a Snapshot vote. At no time had these council members, many of whom are now facilitators, met in person.

On April 26, 2022, Scott told the facilitators that he was going to Wyoming to visit Parcel 0 and to plant a flag. He invited them to join. It was a last minute decision but some members bought a ticket. The members who chose to attend were: David from the Legal and Education Guilds, Sytonikka (Nico) from the Design Guild, Pat from Events and Lyons from Operations. We met Josh (formerly DAOvolution) who lives in Wyoming, along with Wdclapp (Walt) from the Legal Guild and his brother kkopczyn (Konrad) from the Real Estate Guild, who were there.


Relationships: This trip proved to be extremely valuable. In terms of spending time together, everyday we ate breakfast, lunch and dinner together. When we weren’t seeing land or visiting Parcel 0, our days were spent sitting around a table at the Airbnb with our computers open, on calls with others in the DAO, discussing the mission, the vision, the values, and the future of CityDAO. When we had questions, we could just ask each other. The days were filled with very fruitful conversations about issues that could be discussed in person rather than over Discord.

Real Estate: We were able to engage with local real estate agents in Wyoming and actually visit a number of properties for sale, including both unused land and land with structures, to get a better idea of prices, concerns of the local residents, availability of parcels and contacts that we could use in the future for seeing available land and making offers.

Legal: We were able to meet in person with the local Wyoming representative of CityDAO who will handle legal filings, and who created the Parcel 0 LLC. Meeting with him in person allowed us to make an invaluable contact, another law firm that specializes in securities and who literally helped write the Wyoming DAO law. They are now serving as outside counsel for CityDAO and it is unlikely we ever would have met them had we not been there in person.

Parcel 0: We went to parcel 0 and planted a huge flag together. We were able to gauge the land, the driving, the conditions and to discuss more meaningfully how this land may be used viably. In addition, we were able to have a long conversation with the neighbors who live next to Parcel 0. They were extremely interested in who we are and what we represent. Despite living in a non-urban setting, they were very knowledgeable about both CityDAO and blockchain. This gave us valuable insights into the neighbors we may have if we decide to move forwards with a Parcel 1 purchase in Wyoming or similar areas.



The value of this IRL meeting of the facilitators was high. It demonstrated that IRL meetings are an important part of CityDAO. Real connections were made with each other, with the guilds and with the land. We believe that IRL meetings between citizens, facilitators and guilds should be a part of our goal. We would therefore like to establish a precedent that they be funded so that others, not only facilitators, but also citizens, may meet outside Discord and in real life.

For all airplane tickets, food, car rentals and expenses, the total cost for this trip was: $9005.27 The expense breakdown can be seen in this document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19Q_NZbbkc_yX_899-COaEo_TKxvI1U33nTJaUfuYupY/edit?usp=sharing

4 votes
2 years ago

CIP-48: CityDAO Conversion to partial Quadratic Voting ("QV")


It is proposed that we switch from the current One-Token One-Vote system to a version of Quadratic Voting (also known as "QV" or "Plural Voting").

In the proposed version of QV, the number of votes a Citizen has would be equal to the square root of their Citizen token holdings. For example, a Citizen with 9 tokens has 3 votes; under the current system she has 9. Holdings that do not cleanly root get rounded down – 6 becomes 2 rather than 2.449.

This change is proposed because, in recent Snapshots, there have been many people who hold multiple citizen NFTs having a large impact on voting outcomes. It is acknowledged that this is not a perfect solution – someone could transfer Citizen tokens to another wallet that they control.

The Engineering Guild has commissioned a custom, open source CityDAO QV Snapshot Strategy which was reviewed by Snapshot's engineering team and merged into their codebase here. It has also been successfully tested by Scott and myself (Will Holley).

Our version of QV is considered partial because it does not use the full specification of QV authored by Vitalik and RadicalxChange's Glen Weyl. In full QV, each Citizen token is given multiple "voting credits" which can be spread out across multiple options and finally then counted by the square root. A full example can be found here.

The proposers believe that the switch from One-Token One-Vote will be shocking for some people and that we should first transition successfully to partial before transitioning to full QV; therefore CityDAO's custom QV strategy is future-compatible to enable full Quadratic Voting when we're ready.

Switch to QV
4 votes
2 years ago

CIP-56: Amendments to the Bundled Guild CIP and Charter

Hello Citizens!

We encourage everyone to vote on these important modifications to the Bundled Guild CIP and the CityDAO Charter. As the guilds have now been running for just over one month, these changes are meant to streamline, clarify and improve certain elements of governance.

All the relevant details can be found in the proposal at: https://forum.citydao.io/t/cip-56-amendments-to-the-bundled-guild-cip-and-charter/1343

1 vote
2 years ago

CIP 57: Treasury Management Authority


CityDAO must ensure treasury funds are utilized to fund day to day operations, pay taxes, reduce portfolio risk, and secure the financial longevity of CityDAO.

This proposal aims to give Treasury Management Authority of the Main Treasury Gnosis Safe [0x60e7343205C9C88788a22C40030d35f9370d302D] to the Finance Guild and specifically a Treasury Team within the guidelines presented here: https://forum.citydao.io/t/cip-57-treasury-management-authority/1342

These narrow guidelines for what can and can't be requested from the Main Treasury signers provide the flexibility to make decisions in the best interest of the DAO in a timely manner.

1 vote
2 years ago

CIP - 44 | Formation of the Events Guild

What is the mission of the Guild?

With expansion and membership growth being key factors in the future development of CityDAO, the Events Guild strives to create a professional presence at crypto events for the community. By creating this presence, CityDAO can further communicate with other potentially beneficial communities as well as attract top minds into CityDAO.

Why is the Guild needed in CityDAO?

As CityDAO evolves, and some problems arise, an influx of creative and talented individuals collaborating with current community members would promote solution-oriented advancement; many hands make light work. Due to the early stage of CityDAO, there is a necessity for innovative people to bring new perspectives and suggestions for solutions. Fortunately, crypto conferences/ hackathons are a unique opportunity to connect CityDAO with people who can in turn contribute to solutions. For Example: More than 12,000 people from 100 countries came to ETHDenver, with about 8,500 checking into the conference. This event alone connected CityDAO with thousands of like-minded individuals who have skills and personal networks themselves. Dozens of current CityDAO citizens participate and were victorious in hacking projects that will also benefit our community and exposed our community to Vitalik Buterin (who was a judge in the hacking competition) and other leaders in web3. Our presence also resulted in new citizens buying their first Citizen NFT to be part of our community.

By creating the Events Guild, a few thousand people at one event would multiply into a full network of support. Not only would CityDAO benefit from the intel brought by new citizens, but CityDAO would become an organization known by countless other web3 communities and organizers, potentially bringing in investment, support, and connections currently unavailable to us at the same extent. The public affairs guild would have new avenues to follow up on as a result of this networking.

What would be the responsibilities of the Guild Facilitators?

Finding crypto events across the country, or potentially globally, and planning which events CityDAO would attend each quarter. Strategising, planning and implementing CityDAOs involvement in these events in the form of booths, events, presence and networking. Recruiting ambassadors from within our citizens to attend, represent and work at these events. Plan and execute budgets to compensate the guild team and participants. Cover the costs of these events and the room and lodging for citizens that will represent CityDAO at these events. Create content from the planning and participation at these events to keep our citizens informed and promote our mission to attract more citizens and potential partnership opportunities. Creating IRL CityDAO meetups such as “Hiking in Yosemite”, “CityDAO Burning Man Camp”, “NYC Social Mixer”, “LA Social Mixer” etc. Finding insurance policies to cover events Why is this Guild Facilitator qualified for the position?

Pat has 5 years of sales experience and over 10 years of marketing experience, making him a qualified candidate for this position. His extensive experience in networking and social connectivity is precisely the skill set needed for a facilitator of the Events Guild. His previous roles in c-level positions gave him valuable understanding of networking and generating b2b relationships. In his time working in the solar industry he was able to generate partnerships with over 100 solar installation companies by attending events and making cold contacts with industry leaders.

Pat was chosen to be part of the inaugural CityDAO city council, which gives him an intimate understanding of our mission and our vision. Pat represented CityDAO at EthDenver and his team won the hacking competition that was judged by Vitalik Buterin. This energy and attitude would be used in planning and representing CityDAO in future events, and Pat would be an enthusiastic and professional facilitator.

Does the Guild already have members ready to join?

Yes! There are many citizens currently interested in joining the Events Guild.

Including but not limited to: Pat, Lyons, Favian, Syntonika, Mayur, Bruno, Earl, Elmo, Valerie, and many more….

What is the budget / what funding is needed?

We are requesting the following budget for team compensation for Season 1 (the spring quarter through July 1, 2022).

Guild Facilitator - $3,000 + 2 Citizen NFTs/mo

(Guild Facilitator is required to attend 6/6 events)

Co-Facilitator - $1,500 + 1 Citizen NFT/mo

(Co-Facilitator is required to attend 4/6 events)

Citizen NFTs will be distributed for hitting performance goals set by guild members each month

ETH Global DAOHacks sponsorship

Sponsor Spot = $10,000

Prizes = 4 Citizen NFTs s

[https://dao.ethglobal.com/sponsorship.pdf ]

Blockchain Expo NA

Santa Clara, CA

May 11-12

All access tickets x 5 = $5,000

Accommodations for 8 citizens & venue for networking events = $1,400

Expenses (Dinner events, marketing materials,etc) = $2,000

[Blockchain Expo North America 2022 | Technology Conference]


Palm Beach, FL

May 17-19

Tickets x 5 = $5,900

Accommodations for 8 citizens & venue for networking events = $4,000

Expenses (Dinner events, marketing materials,etc) = $5,000

[Permissionless - Blockworks]


Austin, TX

June 9-12

GA tickets x5 = $5,000

Accommodations for 8 citizens & venue for networking events = $4,800

Expenses (Dinner events, marketing materials,etc) = $2,500



New York, NY

June 20-26

All access ticket = $1500

GA tickets x 4 = $2400

Accommodations for 8 citizens & venue for networking events = $11,500

Expenses (Dinner events, marketing materials,etc) = $5000


Gross cost for this quarter = $65,100 +13 citizen NFTs

$60,000 has already been allotted for attending events, we would bring these funds into the event guild budget.

Total quarterly budget request = $5,100 + 13 Citizen NFTs

How many multisig members will there be? Will they be doxed or have KYC?

Multisig signers must be doxed.

There will be 3 signers in the multisig with at least 2 needed to pass a transaction.

How will we quantify return on marketing spend?

The events guild facilitators will work with the guild members to develop goals for these metrics before each event. Reports will be posted following all events

-New citizens onboarded through outreach

-Number of intros made by ambassadors

-Number of workshop attendees

-Number of website visits from event flyers

Ambassadors can use QR codes that link to CityDAOs website to track how many introductions they made.

Reports will be generated after each event detailing outcomes of marketing efforts and expense breakdowns for the public to read.

1 vote
2 years ago

CityDAO Guilds Initiation


As CityDAO Closes in on further decentralisation and autonomy, we are proud to announce the completion of the "core guild" structure. These are the guilds the CityDAO Council deemed to be necessary for our next few seasons in CityDAO.

The proposal includes a total of 11 guilds and their facilitators, and is put in place to create a decentralised and autonomous structure in CityDAO so we can take more workload on and execute faster on projects. Each guild has a full-time facilitator and some have part time also !

Please see the below document for the full CityDAO Guilds Proposal: https://forum.citydao.io/t/bundled-guild-proposal/1185/9

Your voice really matters here. Please read through the proposal and the forum post and cast your vote !!

1 vote
2 years ago

Parcel 0 Quantity

Parcel 0 launch has been announced and taking place at the end of April.

Majority of details have been finalised, however we still have a CIP regarding the number of parcels to exist in the drop.

For more information on the CIP, please check out this link: https://forum.citydao.io/t/cip-43-lfg-parcel-0-direct-drop-for-citizens/1130/39

The two options for the drop are as follows:

  1. There will be a limited number of Parcel 0 NFT’s (1,000)

This will mean a launch using the parcel viewer that has already been developed and a raffle process like previously planned.

  1. Every citizen/citizenship will be eligible to claim a Parcel 0 NFT

This will entail a claims portal which will require development and allow citizens to claim over a certain time period or using an airdrop to send parcel 0 NFTs to all "unique" owners of CityDAO Citizen NFTs (approx: 6.5k), which will be a larger supply.

Please see the CIP in the forum for arguments and reasoning.

Otherwise, please cast your vote for Option 1 (1000 Parcels) or Option 2 (All Citizens)

If you have any questions, please tag any team in the discord.

Option 1 (1000 Parcels)
1 vote
2 years ago

CIP-40: Council Compensation

Upon the successful ratification of the Charter and Operating Agreement, we propose allocating 62 Citizen NFTs to compensate council members for their ~6 weeks of work on these milestones. Compensation will be according to the following schedule, which council members themselves agreed on and to which no one dissented to date: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iykSK8Q3Gp1EgB3HDjsgUuv_S6QAhFIaiByVdzFL0-w/edit#gid=0

1 vote
2 years ago

Council Election

"This proposal addresses the very core of CityDAO. It asks for consensus on forming an inaugural CityDAO Council (replacing the Core Team) with a clear mandate; Draft and ratify the CityDAO Charter and DAO LLC Operating Agreement. These will be the pillars of the foundation that we will build on."

The Council Election will take place for 5 days until February 1st at 12 AM.

Please take time to consider your vote before processing as it is a very important step for CityDAO.

Please review the below council candidate proposal and each of the candidates listed.


Candidates: https://forum.citydao.io/t/asincrypto-for-citydao-council/909 https://forum.citydao.io/t/favian-for-citydao-council/891 https://forum.citydao.io/t/denvercitizen9-for-citydao-city-council/898 https://forum.citydao.io/t/blackacres-candidate-for-city-council/919 https://forum.citydao.io/t/gugz-for-the-citydao-inaugural-council/915/3 https://forum.citydao.io/t/running-for-inaugural-council-david-bio-and-platform/862 https://forum.citydao.io/t/2jamez-application-for-representation/883 https://forum.citydao.io/t/running-for-citydao-inaugural-council-elmo/889 https://forum.citydao.io/t/running-for-citydao-inaugural-council-vzmind/924 https://forum.citydao.io/t/filiblaster-for-a-delicious-and-joyful-citydao-inaugural-council/900 https://forum.citydao.io/t/running-for-citydao-inaugural-council-0xl0uis/926/1 https://forum.citydao.io/t/running-for-city-dao-council-citizen-fugyeah-aaron-nevins/869 https://forum.citydao.io/t/running-for-city-dao-council-citizen-pat-santiago/931/1 https://forum.citydao.io/t/running-for-citydao-inaugural-council-eugene/932


For extra clarity on your vote, please check out the council debate: https://youtu.be/f5RgHKDPWnc

1 vote
3 years ago

CIP-23 Treasury Management Strategy & Phase 1

CIP-23 has sat in the forum for 48 hours now and we would like to move forward with its execution.

Feedback from forum was positive and can be found here: https://forum.citydao.io/t/cip-23-treasury-management-strategy-phase-1/533

Yes, Move forward with Phase 1
1 vote
3 years ago

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