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CIP 129 - Grant for a Startup to create a Harberger Tax Inspired NFT Protocol & Marketplace

Proposal: Provide a Grant for a Startup to create a Harberger Tax Inspired NFT Protocol & Marketplace

Amount: $250,000 USDC, spread out over 4 progress milestones (see below)

To Who: @MemeBrains & @TheBossDragon

Intended outcome:

  1. Resolve 3 of the primary pain points affecting the DAO and Gated Access Community ecosystem as a whole
  2. Replenish the CityDAO treasury
  3. Save developer costs from other CityDAO projects which need a Harberger Tax model as well


Hello CityDAO!

This is my first proposal ever since proposing the CityDAO Podcast almost a year ago. Working with, supporting and advocating for CityDAO has been one of the most fulfilling experiences I’ve received in the Crypto world. This proposal takes things to a whole new level.

In 2018 I sold my last company in part because I felt the unshakable calling to plunge down the Bitcoin rabbit hole. Opportunities like this come once in a lifetime so I decided to go all-in and it’s been one of the most fulfilling decisions of my entire life. This journey led me to discover CityDAO and the principles of the Network State where I felt an equally strong calling to become involved. I believe that what Bitcoin is doing for global economics, the Network State is doing for global politics.

But everywhere I look, DAOs, NFT communities and nearly every single Gated Access Community I’ve come across run into the same 3 problems: Squatters, Flippers & Depleting Treasury.

Squatters hold those community keys (NFTs, Tokens etc) but do not participate. This artificially inflates the price of those community keys/NFTs in the open market -such as on Opensea- while simultaneously lowering productivity for everyone involved. Squatters are usually well intended however the inactivity hurts the community.

Flippers hold those community keys for future resale purposes and also do not participate, further inflating the community key prices and lowering community productivity. Flippers are also usually well intended however the hoarding and inflated floor pricing it creats hurts the community too.

Depleting Treasury is like a ticking time bomb. Every startups nightmare…limited Runway threatens the end of any capital intensive initiative.

Through CityDAO I’ve discovered the principles of Harberger Taxes. At least 2 CityDAO projects that I know of have mentioned a desire to implement Harberger Taxes in their projects, yet no fully functional solution currently exists in the market to click the proverbial ‘on switch’ to try it out. Tweets and articles by notable people and thought leaders also demonstrate interest in bringing this idea to market.

Within the principles of Harberger Taxes, I along with many others I’ve spoken with see the seeds to solving all 3 of these major industry pain points with one single solution.

This proposal is to find out in an indisputable way if a Harberger Tax Marketplace for Gated Access Community Keys and Digital Land Ownership will indeed help change the world of online communities for the better, as we think it will.

Project Team:

Eric Gilbert-Williams - CEO

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur across multiple industries. He bootstrapped his last company to a team size of 50+ people and several million in ARR then sold it in 2018. He has also been involved in event production, angel investing and startup consulting. He is the host of the CityDAO podcast, an active DAO enthusiast + contributor and is also the host of a Philanthropically motivated Mental Health Podcast. Eric brings experience in organizational leadership, stakeholder relationship building, B2B + B2C sales, team trainings and public speaking.

Bhargav Patel - CTO

Bhargav is a serial entrepreneur in the technology space. In 2011, he founded Performance IQ, a data analytics and gamification software company for boutique fitness clubs. He grew the company to 3000+ locations & 20M+ users, prior to getting acquired by Battery Ventures in 2018. Since then, he has been involved with multiple ventures in retail, manufacturing, software & web3 space. He is an avid crypto investor, an early CityDAO citizen, and brings a ton of web3 development experience in smart contracts, NFTs & Defi protocols.

Budget: $250,000 USDC over 4 milestones (see below)

Summary: Launch a Harberger Tax Inspired NFT Protocol & Marketplace for CityDAO and other gated access communities to benefit from. This will allow communities to add customized functions and utility to their NFTs based on the specific needs and goals of their community. This project will develop the protocol MVP along with accompanying marketplace. Communities will be able to mint, distribute, manage and buy/sell their customized NFTs. Communities who select taxation features in their NFT will have those taxes sent directly to replenish their treasuries.

Pitch Deck PDF with Project Overview here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_bmjqVkI4CnChvkv6_vkdAyu8Xe8uQjd/view?usp=sharing

Pitch Deck Video Walkthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obYXxQv2r0Q

Use of Funds:

  1. Launch on mainnet & gain sufficient market traction to raise a $2M+ Seed round from Angels/VCs in 2023/24
  2. Core team wages & contractor payments
  3. Software & server costs

Benefits to CityDAO:

  1. $1 million in Royalties for CityDAO Treasury Replenishment: a) As a separate agreement from the Grant, the venture proposed above would engage with CityDAO in an Incubation and Marketing agreement. The agreement would state that should the venture succeed in generating revenues then the CityDAO Treasury would be provided with a 20% royalty from those top line revenues until $250,000 has been sent to the CityDAO Treasury, and then a further 5% royalty for an additional $750,000 USD, equalling a combined total of $1 million USD or equivalent back to the CityDAO treasury. b) In exchange for giving this royalty to CityDAO, the venture will be formally supported by CityDAO for testing, marketing, feedback, discussions early distribution and be the ventures first live customer, establishing a true win-win environment for both parties.

  2. Saved Costs: Other CityDAO projects which require a functioning Harberger Tax inspired NFT protocol and marketplace would be able to leverage from this technology and no longer be required to develop it from scratch. This would save development costs on other CityDAO projects and initiatives.

  3. Momentum for Treasury Replenishment initiatives: This would be the first active project within the CityDAO ecosystem to have an agreement in place geared towards treasury replenishment. This will hopefully inspire others to create projects and agreements which would also replenish the CityDAO treasury.

  4. Branding & Market Presence This project would provide credit back to CityDAO on-going in various forms including the CityDAO logo, ‘CityDAO Incubated Project’ references, public facing credit towards the CityDAO community in media events, and more. People will know this project was inspired and supported first and foremost by CityDAO to continue building the CityDAO brand.

Timeline and Deliverables:

To demonstrate our commitment and determination for this project, we have broken the project down into 4 milestones. Upon approval of this proposal, $250,000 USDC will be transferred to a gnosis based escrow wallet. Funding will be opened on a per milestone basis starting with the first milestone funding being released and used to complete the first milestones deliverables. Upon completion of the first milestone deliverables, funds will be unlocked then used from the second milestone to complete the second milestone deliverables, and so on.

Milestone 1

Budget: $1


  • Project Discovery & Networking
  • 5+ DAO/Community Leader 1-on-1 interviews for feature development input & prioritization
  • Setup web survey for larger scale interviews with DAO/Community participants

Milestone 2

Budget: $19,999


  • Completion of 30+ DAO/Community Leader 1-on-1 interviews for feature development input & prioritization.
  • Flow Charts based on market feedback from the interviews & surveys
  • Initial Branding / Creatives for the platform
  • Initial UI/UX Designs

Milestone 3

Budget: $50,000


  • MVP live on ETH/Polygon Testnet
  • Alpha Testing & Feedback Gathering
  • Generate interest from other communities

Milestone 4

Budget: $180,000


  • Audited smart contracts by a third party
  • Live and operational product launch on ETH/Polygon Mainnet
  • Commencement of the Royalty on top line marketplace revenue back to CityDAO

Challenges & Questions:

  1. Will it work? It’s clear that between the Radical Markets book, the RadicalxChange foundation, tweets by Vitalik, Balaji and within other discussion forms, there is a sincere curiosity and belief by influential parties that a Harberger Tax model could revolutionize property ownership, memberships, NFTs and gated access communities everywhere. We can debate the theory until the cows come home…but there’s only one way to actually find out. This project aims to find out.

  2. That’s not enough money to scale Correct, it’s not. But with this pre-seed funding and a live MVP, we will be able to confidently approach a Seed round in 2023 aiming for the $2mil - $5mil range with the appropriate Angel Investors & VCs. The Seed round will provide the hires needed to bring this product to market and gain the initial traction required to then approach a Series A round in the $20mil - $30mil range for market scalability.

  3. That’s too much money! Please read #2 above.

  4. I think Harberger Taxes will fail. Please read #1 above.

  5. Why not do this inside CityDAO as a CityDAO fully owned project? a) CityDAO does not have enough money to do this as a broad market solution in a long-term scalable way. It would simply be too risky for the treasury and bootstrapping this would require too much commitment from DAO members, distract from core CityDAO initiatives and severely limit this initiative's chances of success. b) This is a startup venture concept which is intended to live and grow on its own. Although connected to the same root system as CityDAO overall and connected with multipl CityDAO projects, this is an offspring of CityDAO, not part of the main/original tree. c) Lastly, legal liability is mitigated when this project is separated from the CityDAO LLC and visa versa.

  6. How does this replenish the CityDAO Treasury? Please read ‘Benefits to CityDAO’ above.

  7. Let’s debate, discuss and theorize about this for a year++ before deciding Not an option for us. We have a window of opportunity here that will not remain open long. Either we do this or we don’t.

  8. The Mob. Look, our intentions here are to do something good, not only CityDAO, but for the market as a whole, and simultaneously help our entrepreneurial career. We really don’t want this to turn into something unpleasant for anyone involved. We are hoping CityDAO can rally around this project as a very positive thing.

  9. I have more questions plz We will be hosting a daily AMA on this Proposal at 2pm PST on Thursday and Friday November 9th and 10th and daily from Monday November 14th until Friday November 18th. Come join and ask all your questions!

  10. Is this Legal? Everything within this proposal will be first passed through CityDAO legal council and any required changes will be made accordingly before finalized.

Legal Notice & Disclaimer: The entirety of the above proposal and any and all of its details, including but not limited to pitch deck and related details must be reviewed by and modified by CityDAO legal council and/or other legal council related to the venture or any of its stakeholders.

1 vote
2 years ago


TL/DR: The Big Parcel Project will be rebranded as t0wn. Instead of buying thousands of acres and selling thousands of tokens to individuals to try to build a vast “city,” we will target only high-level DAOs (20-30) to sell high-priced tokens in order to create a “t0wn” governed entirely by DAOs rather than individuals. Think NATO, or UN, or Davos for DAOs. If CityDAO creates it, we will have a seat at the table, prestige, and governance in the new world order.

The project is in 3 stages, as is the budget, which serves to compensate the team, to hire people as needed, and pay for devs to create the token if we get to that point. The land to be purchased is not specifically designated at this stage of the process, and may range from a building in a distressed city or university campus to an exquisite lodge in a lush wooded area (see deck, linked below, for more details).


CityDAO will lay the foundation for the first ever town governed by a group of DAOs. After identifying and securing an appropriate property, CityDAO will create a low-supply, high cost token which will be purchased by a hand-selected group of DAOs in order to fund the acquisition of the property. These DAOs will become the founding members of t0wn, with CityDAO as its “founder.”

Here is a deck that more completely and visually articulates our ambition: https://pitch.com/public/4a22922a-a2bc-4855-8a5b-1338e4a4432f

t0wn will be carried out in three consecutive stages: (1) R&D, (2) Development, and (3) Execution. All stages will be executed entirely by the t0wn Team (defined below).


In Stage One, the t0wn team will: Identify viable properties; Call agents representing viable properties to understand parameters, timing of sales, etc; Host Twitter spaces to promote the t0wn project, generate interest from other DAOs and web3 orgs, and get feedback; Talk to DAO leaders one-on-one and get LOIs / commitments to be inaugural t0wn members; Consult with state and local officials in areas where we have identified viable properties; Begin to sort out legal implications of DAOs co-owning a property


WEEKS: ACTION 1 - 4: Identify viable properties 2 - 6: Call real estate agents for viable properties to understand parameters, timing of sale, etc 3 - 7: Host Twitter spaces to promote the t0wn project, get other DAOs interested, and get feedback 4 - 8: Talk to DAO leaders one-on-one and get LOIs / commitments to be inaugural t0wn members 4 - 8: Start to sort out legal implications of DAOs co-owning a property


For stage one of this project (R&D), $58,000 USDC will be transferred to the Big Parcel multisig (to be rebranded as "t0wn multisig") immediately upon the passing of this CIP. This money will be allocated as follows:

Team compensation: $32,000 USDC (based on 8 weeks, 10 hrs/wk at $100 p/h x 4). Discretionary expense budget: $20,000 USDC (to be added to what’s already in the Big Parcel multisig) for marketing, legal, etc. If certain conditions are met (see below), stage two (Development) will be triggered.


Ten DAOs signing LOIs (Letters of Intent) stating their intention to become founding members of t0wn at a token price of greater than or equal to $75k will automatically trigger Stage Two, and its budget will be sent immediately to the Big Parcel/t0wn multisig. This trigger can also be met by any number of DAOs that commit via LOI a total of not less than $750,000.

If more time and/or funding is needed in Stage One to acquire the LOIs, the t0wn team may use funds from the discretionary fund to pay for up to four more weeks of work (including team comp) at the same rate as above. For clarity, should the Stage One tasks take longer than 12 weeks to complete, the team will receive no further compensation until/unless the project enters Stage Two.

If the t0wn Team wishes to proceed to Stage Two with a total financial commitment lower than $750k, this will be subject to the passing of a separate CIP.


In Stage Two, the t0wn team will: Manage token design and legal contract development; Continue to host Twitter Spaces and get LOIs from additional DAOs, with the intent of including 20-30 founding orgs; Keep tabs on all viable properties, set up legal entities and put all the logistical pieces in place so as soon as the project is funded, the property purchase can take place immediately.


WEEKS: ACTION 1 - 4: Select and engage token team 1 - 4: Select and engage legal counsel to draft applicable contracts 4 - 8: Manage token team 4 - 8: Manage legal counsel 1 - 8: Call real estate agents for viable properties to understand parameters, timing of sale, etc 1 - 8: Continue to host Twitter spaces to promote the t0wn project, get other DAOs interested, and get feedback 1 - 8: Continue to talk to DAO leaders one-on-one and get LOIs / commitments to be inaugural t0wn members


If the Stage Two trigger is met, an additional $102,000 USDC will be transferred to the Big Parcel multisig immediately. This money will be allocated as follows:

$25k for Dev and PM time, token design $25k for legal fees $32k team compensation (same rate as above, for 8 more weeks) $20k discretionary fund (in addition to whatever is already in the safe)


In Stage Three, the t0wn team will: Distribute the token to the founding member DAOs; funds go to the Big Parcel multisig; t0wn team will use the funds to buy the property; t0wn begins!


TBD - It is too early to determine the appropriate budget for the Execution stage; therefore, the t0wn team will post a separate CIP for funding when the time comes.


If t0wn is a success, CityDAO citizens stand to benefit considerably, in a number of ways:

Membership Tokens: In return for funding the genesis of t0wn (i.e. Stages One and Two, $160k upfront spend) CityDAO will get either: Three (3) membership tokens, or a membership stake valued at $225k, whichever is greater.

Governance: CityDAO also gets the governance benefit of holding more membership tokens, which is likely to be the most powerful position in the collective unless another DAO opts to buy more than one membership token.

Citizen Memberships: CityDAO Citizens will enjoy all the benefits of membership in t0wn, in many cases at a greater rate/quantity due to CityDAO’s larger membership stake in t0wn.

Brand / Prestige: CityDAO will be branded / marketed as the “founder” of t0wn, while the initial member DAOs will be “founding members.”

t0wn TEAM

Da3vid: Vision and Legal David is an attorney licensed in New York since 2005, has a Masters and is now studying for his Ph.D. in Sociology related to DAOs and the metaverse. He has been teaching business law, management and organizational behavior at an international university for 15 years. He also ran the two largest improvisational theater companies in China for a decade (one in English, one in Chinese) with valuations in the millions of USD while also creating and running his own highly successful theater company, all in Chinese.

David was on the CityDAO Council, helped to write the Charter and Operating Agreement, facilitated the Legal Guild, served on the first Mission Guild and is currently the facilitator of the Education & Research Guild, which he also founded.

Gugz: Vision and Project Management Gugz has been producing film and television, everything from shorts and music videos to feature documentaries and big-budget TV, for more than a decade. He has taken dozens of projects from zero to scale. He helped start a management company a decade ago as its first employee and has developed ideas into global films and series. In one instance, he was part of a team of four producers who created an entirely independent, $70 million season of television, for which they built a TV studio from scratch, all in the name of creator ownership (THE FIRST, starring Sean Penn, on Hulu).

Gugz has served in various leadership positions at CityDAO over the past year, including writing its charter with a team of collaborators and founding its grants program. He is co-founder of R3WIND (formerly BlockbusterDAO), a decentralized media organization.

Tasafila: Marketing and Design Tasafila has worked as a creative and growth strategist in B2B Tech, E-Commerce and Web3; building campaigns, LMS systems and go-to-market strategies for major brands such as IBM, Oracle, Reef, Whirlpool, Therabody, and more. He launched his self-funded vegan grocery startup in 2020 and shipped nationwide. He pulled interest from Shark Tank and an activation with American Airlines before exiting in 2021.

In early 2022, Tasafila launched BlockbusterDAO which garnered global media attention and formed one of the largest web3 grassroots communities in the world, without ever spending a dime on advertising or marketing.

ScottA: DAO Partnerships and Economics Scott has worked for the government developing programs to end homelessness and alleviate poverty (Housing First Edmonton). He has taught university classes at the undergraduate and graduate levels in economics. He has a strong background in data analysis and various programming languages, such as R. He also has a background in music; he wrote and produced two full-length albums under the band “Making a Monster.”

In 2022, Scott completed a Ph.D. in economics from the University of Alberta with a focus on economic growth. He graduated with top marks and is set to publish two journal articles in reputable publications (Journal of Economic History and the Journal of Institutional Economics). He has taken an active role in CityDAO and organized successful initiatives such as the CityDAO Conference and Journal.

MULTISIG Funds will be sent to the current Big Parcel multisig. Tasafila and ScottA will be added as signers, with Blackacres remaining on as an independent overseer, to make it a 3/5 multisig.

FINE PRINT In the spirit of fostering a more autonomous and project-based culture at CityDAO, the following will be effective immediately upon the passing of this CIP:

Utilization of CityDAO Members: The t0wn project may opt to, but will in no way be obligated to, utilize any personnel or individuals employed by, receiving funds from or in any way affiliated with CityDAO. The decision of whom to work rests entirely upon the judgment of the t0wn Team.

Process of Work: Such that any CityDAO executive body, committee, guild or team is in place at the time this CIP passes (ex. the Planning Guild), this project will not be subject to its authority.

Separation of Authority: t0wn will be set in motion by the t0wn team on behalf of CityDAO, but the project, such that it exists, will ultimately be owned and governed by its member DAOs. The t0wn project will create its own operating agreement and will not be bound by the CityDAO operating agreement. t0wn may utilize any legal structure that is suitable, including but not limited to an LLC, non-profit, trust, UNA, etc.

Access to Twitter, Discord and Social Media: This project requires the use of the CityDAO Twitter and Discord accounts. If this CIP passes, the t0wn team will have the ability to post on the CityDAO Twitter, host Twitter Spaces, etc. Web3 Funding: While the focus will be on DAOs, we will also consider funding from Web3 organizations that are not technically DAOs, for example, the Ethereum foundation.

1 vote
2 years ago

DAO Coalition Funding


The DAO Coalition is a group of approximately 30 DAOs and supporting organizations that seek to advocate on behalf of DAOs in the United States and globally. This coalition was started by Stuttgart on behalf of CityDAO, and therefore CityDAO has a significant place in the coalition. This CIP requests $9,999 as part of a fundraising effort among other DAOs in the coalition. The purpose of the fundraising is to provide funding to formalize the coalition as it relates to legal fees (incorporation, creation of bylaws) and website creation. Benefits to CityDAO would be a leadership role with the DAO Coalition as it advocates in Washington, D.C.


The DAO Coalition currently consists of 3OH DAO, Alliance DAO, ATX DAO, Aragon DAO, Bankless DAO, City3, CityDAO, Cohere, Data Union DAO, enDAOment, Governor DAO, Impact DAO, JournoDAO, Kali DAO, Klaytn, Krause House, KYC DAO, LegalDAO, LexDAO, Lobby3, Nemus, OtoCo DAO, PAC DAO, Polygon DAO, R3WIND DAO, Sapien Network, Sporos DAO, SuperRare DAO, SSV DAO and Standard DAO.

Supporting organizations within the DAO Coalition include the Blockchain Association, COALA, NEAR, the DAO Research Collective, and the World Economic Fund.


CityDAO has been leading an effort to establish a DAO Coalition for the purposes of advocating on behalf of CityDAO and all DAOs. DAOs face both risks and opportunities. It is critical that DAOs come together to speak with one voice on issues that impact the sector.

As it relates to risks, as a result of our relationship with the Blockchain Association, earlier this year we were made aware of interests in Washington, D.C., such as the Crowdfunding Professional Association, which have been advocating to the SEC with appeals that are directly averse to the existence of DAOs. More recently, we’ve seen the CFTC sue Ooki DAO on allegations that, as an unincorporated association, it violated federal laws.

As far as opportunities, this summer, Senators Gillibrand and Lummis introduced S. 4356, the Lummis-Gillibrand Responsible Financial Innovation Act, which, if enacted, would, for the first time, provide a federal framework for DAOs. This legislation would provide an opportunity for the DAO Coalition, on behalf of CityDAO and all DAOs, to provide a positive narrative to policymakers about the promise of DAOs.

It is in light of the aforementioned risks and opportunities that the DAO Coalition has been holding monthly conference calls since its informal inception this summer. DAOs are being formed every day and, according to DeepDAO, there are almost 5,000 DAOs in existence to date. The DAO Coalition aims to harness that collective voice, but requires a small contribution from representative DAOs to begin its operations. To this end, the DAO Coalition is requesting a contribution to assist with the coalition’s formal establishment.

Other DAO representatives also are asking their respective DAOs for contributions and Lobby3 has secured its own $10,000 commitment. CityDAO’s $9,999 contribution would help ensure that CityDAO would play a leadership role as the DAO Coalition is formed.

Scottfits and Stuttgart currently are listed as CityDAO representatives within the DAO Coalition and this proposal would aim to have them represent CityDAO as Directors of the formal DAO Coalition. None of the CityDAO $10,000 contribution would go to Scott or Stuttgart. In the event that Scottfits is not available, David will take his role as CityDAO representative.


This proposal requests a one-time disbursement of $9,999 in USDC to the DAO Coalition treasury. Other DAOs also have been asked and may contribute money to this fund.


Once the DAO Coalition has secured the necessary funding, the coalition would aim to take the necessary steps to formalize in Q4 2022 or Q1 2023.


There is little risk to CityDAO from this contribution other than the coalition not being able to raise the sufficient amount of funds to formalize and we believe that given the number of other DAOs in the coalition we should be able to raise these funds. If the coalition is unsuccessful in raising necessary funding, the coalition would reimburse CityDAO.


The project would create a new legal entity outside of CityDAO, but would not create a new tax burden for CityDAO. Should CityDAO also wish to provide a small sustaining contribution for ongoing activities after the DAO Coalition has been established, a separate CIP would be requested. Given the number of DAOs already in the coalition, we would not anticipate that a request to DAO Coalition members for such sustaining funding would be more than $10,000 per year, per coalition member.


The first and most obvious benefit to CityDAO is the preservation of its existence. While CityDAO operates entirely within the law as an LLC, we are confronted with an uncertain legal landscape with pitfalls and obstacles. CityDAO seeks not only to exist but to collaborate with other DAOs and create IRL spaces for other DAOs to flourish. To that end, our presence as a leader in lobbying efforts keeps CityDAO in an important position in the DAO space.

Another key benefit comes from the collaborations and relationships with other DAOs that such a presence will foster. Working hand in hand with organizations like Bankless, Aragon, Polygon, the Blockchain Association, NEAR and the World Economic Fund has benefits that cannot be adequately measured in dollars or in the short term. For the $10K contribution this CIP seeks, it could benefit CityDAO immeasurably.

A third benefit is the engagement with larger communities and increased awareness of CityDAO. Having our name associated with so many other DAOs, each of them with many thousands of members, all of whom are committed to the web3 and DAO space, being in a leadership position within the DAO Coalition could serve as wonderful, perpetual marketing.

1 vote
2 years ago

CIP-124 Q4 Funding


Q4 is fast approaching and no budget or mechanism allocated to pay contributors during that period exists. Q3 included a lot of restructuring and clarity was gained via an approved vote a short 7 weeks ago (July 24). Planning Guild is working on Charter amendments to address future structure and budgets, but until those are in place and approved by the DAO, we risk some level of disorder on October 1st. Extending the Q3 Funding period, with some alterations below, appears to be a simple strategy to keep core functions and Guild projects ongoing, while limiting the amount of confusion associated with a more complex structure and budget for Q4.


Extend the funding period included in the passed CIP-69 Q3 Guild Structure and Budget 6 to include the period from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 with the following alterations:

  1. Facilitators will continue to work in their current positions, unless they’ve stepped down from a role.
  2. The Planning and Operations Guild shall: - Maintain operations functions related to communication channels. - Revise and implement improved Charter and processes, with specific focus on clarifying and automating governance structures. The Charter should be posted and easily navigable once complete and approved by the DAO. - Make efforts visible to the community, provide regular status updates and shall hold a weekly call.
  3. Discontinue the use of NFTs as Facilitator compensation.
  4. Guild Safes will utilize unused USDC and NFTs from Q3 for Q4 operational costs.
  5. USDC and NFT’s remaining in Guild Safes on January 1, 2023 will be used to credit Q1 2023 funding budgets for each guild, if any is proposed.
  6. Should a Guild not plan to exist in Q1, 2023, all funds will be sent to the Treasury: 0x60e7343205C9C88788a22C40030d35f9370d302D

An APPROVE vote would mean you approve an extension of the Q3 Funding period as amended above.

A REJECT vote would mean you reject an extension of funding.

Quorum is 500 Citizen NFTs as this CIP involves more than $10,000. Snapshot currently shows quorum incorrectly since we've moved to quadratic voting. Quorum will be calculated by counting each Citizen NFT after the results.

Polis Conversation Report: https://pol.is/report/r93bsr9mwv34rcr2aezhu

1 vote
2 years ago

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