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CIP145 - Elections for the CityDAO Multisig

TL/DR: This is a proposal that seeks to: Establish a formal election process (“CityDAO Election Process”) to be used initially for the CityDAO Multisig (“Multisig Election”); Establish compensation and limited authority for the Elected Multisig; Empower Walter Clapp as the Election Facilitator (@wdclapp Discord handle) to administer the Multisig Election and all related aspects of the election process; Compensate Walter (and any team members, as may be determined by Walter in his discretion) for the efforts and undertakings relating to #1, 2, and 3 above.​ Total target compensation = $9,000 (the “Election Comp Pool”); which includes Walter’s compensation plus money available to compensate assistant(s) at Walter’s sole discretion.) SECTION 3.05 of the Operating Agreement states CityDAO’s purpose and mission as follows: “PURPOSE; POWERS. CityDAO was established for the purpose and mission of exploring decentralized governance mechanisms as well as establishing verification of physical asset ownership, such as real property, on the Ethereum Blockchain.” CityDAO has not spent adequate time or money on decentralized governance and this CIP aims to change that dynamic. The time for elections at CityDAO is here. Our First Election will be to Elect Members of the Multisig. According to Chat GPT, “Here are some reasons why DAOs might use elections: Representation: Elections allow DAO members to choose representatives who can make decisions on their behalf. This can help ensure that the decisions made by the DAO are aligned with the interests of its members.

Accountability: Elections can hold representatives accountable to the DAO members. If representatives fail to perform their duties or act in a way that is not in the best interests of the DAO, they can be removed from their positions through a vote.

Transparency: Elections can provide transparency in the decision-making process. All members have the opportunity to participate in the voting process and have a say in the direction of the DAO. Efficiency: Elections can help DAOs make decisions more efficiently. By delegating decision-making to elected representatives, the DAO can avoid delays and inefficiencies that might result from a more decentralized decision-making process.

Legitimacy: Elections can help legitimize the decisions made by the DAO. When decisions are made through a transparent and democratic process, members are more likely to accept and support them.” Currently - The “Multisig” is a body of eight (8) individuals who own private keys that own and control the CityDAO Main Safe Treasury. There are a few ways to manage a DAO Treasury and in the early days CityDAO chose the centralized manner of establishing a Multi-signature Smart Contract. Currently, 5 of 8 signers must sign a transaction to use money from the DAO’s treasury. This CIP creates a Multisig election. Each seat will be paid $200 per month. This CIP also confirms the Multisig authority to not sign transactions if they violate any act of governance (CIP, Charter, or OA), or violate US/Wyoming Law. Walter Clapp will oversee and implement the first election of the current 8 Multisig seats pursuant to this CIP. Walter makes sense as a licensed attorney, and his interest in reinvigorating the republic in America, including a vision for a Constitutional Convention. Walter is also a public candidate for President of the U.S. Walter can achieve the goal of getting CityDAO from the appointed Multisig of today to the Elected Multisig of CityDAO’s future. The election is intended to be completed by July 1, 2023. Multisig members will be up for election every 1 year. July 2023 multisig members will be replaced in July 2024 and so on. Unless a new CIP is passed to amend this one, it will recur with automatic passage annually. Multisig members may serve a maximum of two terms. Once this CIP passes, the CIP and election, to completion, will be publicized by the DAO to Twitter, the Website, Discord, Discourse, and via email. Nominations will be open to be submitted via Forum (Discourse). Self-nominations are prohibited. Nominations will require the person nominating to provide proof of humanity via a photo of their face with the nominee’s name on a piece of paper held by the nominator. Nominations for individuals will be subject to open Q&A, as well as limited debates that may be hosted by Walter.

Eligibility: Nominees will be required to go through KYC and AML, and any other legal hurdles required by the US or Wyoming law, prior to the vote. Nominations will open upon passage of this CIP and shall close on June 1, 2023. Walter will then compile a list of all qualified nominees for voting after the close of each round of nominations.. A virtual synchronous election over a seven (7) day period will occur via a CityDAO Citizen token gated discord channel (or Snapshot) administered by Walter and other present admins. Each citizen will be asked to rank their top eight (8) votes for the multisig. All citizens may only vote one time. Walter will manually tabulate the winners pursuant to the rules of rank choice voting, and publish the results on Snapshot for certification. These new signers will be admitted to the Multisig within 24 hours of certification. The next four (4) highest votes will be alternates. In the event a Multisig member steps down, is removed, or otherwise unable to complete their role, they shall be replaced by the alternate with the next most votes from the election (and if they are not available, the second highest voted alternate would be appointed, and so on). All 8 Multisig seats will begin receiving compensation the month after the first four new Multisignators are elected. Any tampering is expressly prohibited, including without limitation, Sybil Votes and use of Sybil Wallets. If tampering is discovered, the user(s) will be banned from multisig election voting for 1 year; and will be permanently banned from elected positions at CityDAO, or CityDAO positions with budget authority. Walter will work with current moderators and administrators to enforce these rules, publish ample advance notice of the nominations and election, and any updated rules of the election. Walter will publish a CIP to ratify the election and compensation within 24 hours of the election closing. If the elected are not ratified, this CIP will cease. Miscellaneous Terms of CIP-145 Term/Date of Completion no later than September 1, 2023 (note – anticipated ASAP but providing this outside date) The Facilitator role for this Election is a non-replaceable role, meaning that the CIP is formally terminated if Walter is not physically able to complete the election. Only a new CIP can establish a different or alternate election procedure. As stated above, the process will be finalized using a ratification CIP. Other CIPs relating to election considerations or compensation for elected Multisig members may follow depending on the nature of the process itself or its outcomes. Walter may use the assistance of others as he deems necessary, including the discretion to provide compensation from the Election Comp Pool in his discretion. Adjustments and amendments allowed by Proposer or Walter prior to Snapshot, will be tracked, and kept transparent in this Forum page. Payment of any amounts hereunder will be made from the Main Treasury within five (5) days of submission of Utopia payment request with reasonable supporting documentation as necessary.

3 votes
1 year ago

Web3 House by CityDAO

Proposal Author: Simplepixellife

NOTE: Not written or edited by Lyons800

Phase 1 of the idea

This is a CIP aims only to find out how to acquire a house at Turkey (Sapanca, but will be evaluated other locations according to outcomes) for ;

  • Citizens around the world
  • Turkish Community
  • DAOs
  • Blockchain Communities of Universities
  • Hackers
  • Rent

and investigate the operations needed for the process.

What to Deliver ?

A full report including potential houses, real estate topics, legal issues, operations, rent prices for houses, processes, feedbacks from potential target audiences, possible opportunities


2 months


$3,000 for compensation, field trip, accommodation & expenses

Next Phase

Phase 2, write down a full CIP including ;

  • Roadmap
  • Marketing Plan
  • Time Plan
  • Budget
  • ROI estimation
  • Cons & Pros
  • Team

In Turkey, especially recently, the importance of the blockchain world is significantly increasing. Even when we look at the events to be held this year, we can clearly see the progress. The importance of community is more important than ever before, and the values ​​of brands and projects that care about their own community are increasing day by day.

As CityDAO, we are able to respond to the needs of many communities. We can be an indispensable brand for ;

  • Hackers
  • Blockchain communities
  • DAOs
  • Citizens
  • NFT world
  • A house for ALL !
  • A Web 3 House by CityDAO !

How will be the benefit for CityDAO ?

  • Brand awareness
  • Will give CityDAO a chance to experiment a project outside US
  • Increase of NFT sales & chance to get new citizens
  • Might create hype
  • Gain income by rent
  • Gain passive income

How citizens will benefit ?

Will be the very first tangible privilege for citizens (right for accommodation)

Why Turkey?

  • We care of the word “experiment”. It would be the best case if we can have a house outside US.
  • First potential international project which can be a reference to other international communities.
  • No visa for many countries
  • Many potentials as real estate wise (constantly increasing prices)
  • Many famous influencers in Turkey are CityDAO citizens
  • Beautiful country
  • Why not?

If you want to support the idea, please give a like for phase 1 to start something new.

Also, please drop your comments how to improve the process. Each comment means the world to me.Thanks

3 votes
1 year ago

CIP-143: DAO Coalition Representative


This is a non-financial proposal to make David (Da3vid#1983) the official DAO Coalition representative from CityDAO. There is no budget and no payment. The responsibilities would be to attend DAO Coalition calls and report back to CityDAO. When decisions are required, David will take direction from CityDAO.

The DAO Coalition is a group of approximately 30 DAOs and supporting organizations that seek to advocate on behalf of DAOs in the United States and globally. This coalition was started by Stuttgart on behalf of CityDAO, and therefore CityDAO has a significant place in the coalition. Each member of the coalition has been asked to formally select a representative. David has been the unofficial representative to the DAO Coalition since its inception.

Coalition Team

The DAO Coalition currently consists of 3OH DAO, Alliance DAO, ATX DAO, Aragon DAO, Bankless DAO, City3, CityDAO, Cohere, Data Union DAO, enDAOment, Governor DAO, Impact DAO, JournoDAO, Kali DAO, Klaytn, Krause House, KYC DAO, LegalDAO, LexDAO, Lobby3, Nemus, OtoCo DAO, PAC DAO, Polygon DAO, R3WIND DAO, Sapien Network, Sporos DAO, SuperRare DAO, SSV DAO and Standard DAO. Supporting organizations within the DAO Coalition include the Blockchain Association, COALA, NEAR, the DAO Research Collective, and the World Economic Fund.


DAOs are confronted with an uncertain legal landscape with pitfalls and obstacles. Our presence as a leader in lobbying efforts keeps CityDAO in an important position in the space. Working hand in hand with organizations like Bankless, Aragon, Polygon, the Blockchain Association, NEAR and the World Economic Fund helps us engage with the larger community.

The DAO Coalition has been holding monthly conference calls since its informal inception in summer, 2022. Stuttgart has helped to establish the DAO Coalition, but would transition his role to represent the DAO Coalition in DC as a lobbyist. Each DAO needs a representative, however, and David has been the unofficial representative of CityDAO since the inception of the coalition.

Responsibilities of the Representative

The official representative has the responsibility to attend DAO Coalition calls and report back to CityDAO on the proceedings. When decisions are required, the representative will bring them to CityDAO and take direction from CityDAO on how to represent CityDAO to the coalition. This position is not paid.

Proposal Budget


Timeline and Deliverables

The DAO Coalition has formed a 501(c)(4) nonprofit entity and continues to engage important DAOs in the space for collective lobbying efforts. There are no specific timelines or deliverables at this time.


There is a risk whenever anyone makes representations to the public. However, Da3vid would make no public statements. All communications would occur within the DAO Coalition.

3 votes
2 years ago

CIP-142: Ongoing Back-Office Functions

CityDAO has continued to need basic support and business functions but unfortunately CityDAO did not properly plan for continuation of any responsibilities going into 2023. The need for these roles still exists, and Alex and Josh have continued to function in these roles informally due to their necessity and importance to DAO functioning. These contributors have continued to provide continuation services in their former roles in an unpaid capacity for the month of January 2023 and basic business operations are an ongoing function.


Alex (alexthims) – Bookkeeping & CPA Liaison Josh (j0sh I DAOvolution) – Compliance-Related Operations & Outside Counsel Liaison


  1. If a quorum of 250 is reached and this CIP is approved, the Team will use its best efforts to undertake the following “Basic” back-office business functions:

Three (3) month term commencing retroactively to January 1, 2023 and ending March 31, 2023 Continuation of Ongoing Compliance (Legal + Finance) Guild Responsibilities from Q4 2022 Maintenance of the CityDAO PO Box in Cody, WY (including any related fees if necessary) Services provided to CityDAO for basic back-office operation (legal + finance), including but not limited to: Sole Liaison with outside professional service providers (“PSP’s”) Basic bookkeeping record management General filings, property taxes, authority and/or signatures for procuring insurance policies (or as otherwise legally required) Sole Authority to manage the relationships with PSP’s, including any related/reasonable expenditures, with transparent backups supplied. Current PSP’s include: Lorenzo CPA, Montague Law (EthLaw), Burg Simpson (Parcel 0 and CityDAO agent) and Hathaway & Kunz Other PSP’s and software that may be necessary due to evolving nature of projects and DAO operations Retroactive compensation for the month of January 2023 - $1,650 USDC to each contributor Ongoing compensation for February/March 2023 - $1,650 USDC to each contributor Total Team Compensation: $9,900

  1. Should this proposal: (i) fail to achieve twenty (20) “likes” on this discourse page, (ii) fail to meet quorum, or (ii) fail to be approved:

Should this CIP-142 not proceed for any reason other than withdrawal or abandonment by its proposers, it will be deemed to be a formal act of governance relieving Alex and Josh of their duties and assumed carry-over responsibilities from Q4 2022. Should this happen, the roles described herein will go unfilled, and the proposers will no longer be responsible for any of the above-mentioned responsibilities or any other responsibilities/duties with respect to the DAO. The proposers will be expressly released from any and all responsibility relating to the performance of these duties henceforth.

Miscellaneous Terms of CIP-142:

All payments will be made from the Main Treasury: 0x60e7343205C9C88788a22C40030d35f9370d302D

Payments initiated for or from this team will be queued to the Main Treasury using an appropriate method, including without limitation, a Utopia payment link including supporting documentation. The Multisig will execute such payments in a timely fashion, but in any event, no later than five (5) days after submission from the team.

If for any reason, the project Team must pay for a DAO-related expense, CityDAO will promptly reimburse such team member(s) for these expenses, including any related transaction fees or gas fees. If performance of duties hereunder requires a physical or digital signature, the team members are authorized to make it, and for the avoidance of doubt or ambiguity, the team members are the only people in the DAO who are expressly authorized to do so with respect to accounting or legal professionals on CityDAO’s behalf.

The project proposers may transition their responsibility to a suitable and adequately qualified CityDAO contributor, subject to CityDAO’s selection and/or approval of said replacement. The team may also resign from responsibility, at any time upon seven (7) days written notice given to CityDAO (in a manner deemed suitable to CityDAO). For the avoidance of ambiguity - This CIP-142 is not a contract for employment or otherwise.

This CIP-142 may be amended by the proposers at any time prior to Snapshot, subject to compliance with all other material terms contained herein.

Performance hereunder will be expressly subject to the indemnity rights afforded by the CityDAO Operating Agreement. Additionally, this team will not be liable to CityDAO or to any Citizen, or any other party for that matter, with respect to its performance hereunder, nor for any other types of damages, including without limitation, any incidental, indirect, special, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages. CityDAO agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the team harmless from any such claims, liabilities, or damages, including the team’s attorneys fees. Wyoming law governs this CIP and all related considerations. For the avoidance of doubt, these defense, indemnity and hold harmless obligations will extend from CityDAO in favor of the project team for any and all issues that may arise in the future due to a lack of accountability or responsibility-holder in the former roles in the event of #2 above, and this provision is a material term of this CIP-142. (for example, if a service provider sends CityDAO to collection, if services lapse, or if taxes are not paid - this team is EXPRESSLY NOT RESPONSIBLE if the conditions set out in #2 above should occur). The intent of this provision is to say that, should CityDAO miss payment of an amount that this team would have been responsible for had they been approved, they are expressly not responsible.

This team will work directly with the CityDAO Multisig but the team members will not hold or retain seats on the Multisig, and this will include any replacements who later fill either role due to transition/resignation or are added later.

3 votes
2 years ago

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