


Past Votes


CIP 182 - t0wn STAGE ONE funding allocation

TLDR: This proposal enables the t0wn team to reallocate the resources from Stage 1 of the t0wn project toward building two apps that will more immediately and concretely benefit the t0wn project and CityDAO as a whole. The overall plan for t0wn has not changed.

This proposal asks for only $1 of additional funding to secure a quorum of 250 votes. Other than that, we are merely asking for the ability to reallocate funds that have already been sent to our treasury. We have removed our request for additional funding based on the responses in the forum, which we take very seriously. To us, t0wn is a community made of its valued members, and compromise is the language of cooperation.


The t0wn team has been meeting weekly for months. We’ve had several meetings with the Próspera team about possibly acquiring real estate in it’s first tower as a first physical hub for t0wn. Those discussions remain ongoing. We’ve had all sorts of contact, discussion and meetings with potential member DAOs. Our aim is to reallocate the remaining funds toward building apps that will help push this project forward.

As of today, a little over $54,000 remains in the t0wn treasury. Our initial CIP called for $32K in t0wn team compensation and $20K in discretionary funds. $1K compensation has been paid out per team member ($4k total) and no other money has been spent. Based on our internal weekly discussions, meetings with other DAOs and projects, Twitter spaces and independent research, we are clearer on how we think the discretionary funds should be spent.


We would like the ability to reallocate the remaining funds toward:

  1. A dominant assurance smart contract
  2. A identity verification app that KYCs individuals to global banking standards and ties the verified individual to one and only one ETH address with a soulbound token. This app will consist of two components:
    1. KYC functionality - for example, a custom front end that utilizes the API of a third party KYC service like Plaid.
    2. A NFT smart contract, likely employing the ERC-5484 standard for soulbound tokens.
  3. Legal costs relating to analyzing the appropriate DAO structure


Assurance contract: Our initial t0wn STAGE 1 plan was to have DAOs sign LOIs stating their intent to contribute to a t0wn treasury to buy land for a “DAO hub.” We decided it would not only benefit t0wn, but also CityDAO and the web3 community at large if we figured out how to program the essence of an LOI into a smart contract. Utilizing Alex Tabarrok’s Dominant Assurance Contract idea, we will create a smart contract where entities can pledge money toward a public good (like t0wn). If the funding threshold is hit by a certain deadline (which is programmed into the smart contract when it is deployed), the project gets funded. If the threshold is not hit by the deadline, everyone gets their money back and those that contributed the earliest get a small monetary “prize” for having been the first movers / believers. Details around the prize mechanics will be sorted out during development, one key component being the prize is big enough to incentivize early contribution but small enough to disincentivize entities wanting the project to fail.

Building a dominant assurance smart contract will not only be a boon to t0wn and CityDAO, but also to anyone who wants to fund a public good on the blockchain without using methods such as Juicebox that take a significant percentage of funds.

Identity Verification: Part of having a community is ensuring that people are not sybils, that identities can be verified. Rather than using a method such as NFT + Gitcoin Passport or Proof of Humanity, we would like to offer individuals the ability to KYC to global banking standards, verify ownership of a wallet address, and then marry the two with a soulbound token. We plan to use the ERC-5484 standard for soulbound tokens which allows both the issuer and the holder to burn the token - the former being necessary in case of identity fraud and the latter being necessary in case the holder wants to disconnect or move their identity to a different address.


This proposal augments STAGE ONE of the original proposal by allowing additional uses of the funding allocated by that proposal. It also adds an additional potential STAGE TWO trigger—a deployed assurance contract that successfully raises at least $750k will automatically trigger STAGE TWO. The t0wn team will determine which avenue to pursue (ie signed LOIs or raising via assurance contract) following development of the latter.


  • All the benefits outlined in the original t0wn proposal remain.
  • CityDAO Citizens will be able to use the app at cost for a period of one year after the app is launched, subject to reasonable volume of usage and our team’s ability to handle such volume. We will make best efforts to allow CityDAO Citizens to use the app at cost for longer than one year, again subject to reasonable volume of usage and our team’s ability to handle such volume.
  • Open use of the dominant assurance smart contract and the ERC-5484 soulbound token contract.


  • The dominant assurance smart contract and the ERC-5484 soulbound token contract will be open source.
  • The rest of the KYC app will be owned by the Friends of Town Foundation corporation.

1 vote
1 year ago

CityDAO Guilds Initiation


As CityDAO Closes in on further decentralisation and autonomy, we are proud to announce the completion of the "core guild" structure. These are the guilds the CityDAO Council deemed to be necessary for our next few seasons in CityDAO.

The proposal includes a total of 11 guilds and their facilitators, and is put in place to create a decentralised and autonomous structure in CityDAO so we can take more workload on and execute faster on projects. Each guild has a full-time facilitator and some have part time also !

Please see the below document for the full CityDAO Guilds Proposal:

Your voice really matters here. Please read through the proposal and the forum post and cast your vote !!

1 vote
2 years ago

CIP - 44 | Formation of the Events Guild

What is the mission of the Guild?

With expansion and membership growth being key factors in the future development of CityDAO, the Events Guild strives to create a professional presence at crypto events for the community. By creating this presence, CityDAO can further communicate with other potentially beneficial communities as well as attract top minds into CityDAO.

Why is the Guild needed in CityDAO?

As CityDAO evolves, and some problems arise, an influx of creative and talented individuals collaborating with current community members would promote solution-oriented advancement; many hands make light work. Due to the early stage of CityDAO, there is a necessity for innovative people to bring new perspectives and suggestions for solutions. Fortunately, crypto conferences/ hackathons are a unique opportunity to connect CityDAO with people who can in turn contribute to solutions. For Example: More than 12,000 people from 100 countries came to ETHDenver, with about 8,500 checking into the conference. This event alone connected CityDAO with thousands of like-minded individuals who have skills and personal networks themselves. Dozens of current CityDAO citizens participate and were victorious in hacking projects that will also benefit our community and exposed our community to Vitalik Buterin (who was a judge in the hacking competition) and other leaders in web3. Our presence also resulted in new citizens buying their first Citizen NFT to be part of our community.

By creating the Events Guild, a few thousand people at one event would multiply into a full network of support. Not only would CityDAO benefit from the intel brought by new citizens, but CityDAO would become an organization known by countless other web3 communities and organizers, potentially bringing in investment, support, and connections currently unavailable to us at the same extent. The public affairs guild would have new avenues to follow up on as a result of this networking.

What would be the responsibilities of the Guild Facilitators?

Finding crypto events across the country, or potentially globally, and planning which events CityDAO would attend each quarter. Strategising, planning and implementing CityDAOs involvement in these events in the form of booths, events, presence and networking. Recruiting ambassadors from within our citizens to attend, represent and work at these events. Plan and execute budgets to compensate the guild team and participants. Cover the costs of these events and the room and lodging for citizens that will represent CityDAO at these events. Create content from the planning and participation at these events to keep our citizens informed and promote our mission to attract more citizens and potential partnership opportunities. Creating IRL CityDAO meetups such as “Hiking in Yosemite”, “CityDAO Burning Man Camp”, “NYC Social Mixer”, “LA Social Mixer” etc. Finding insurance policies to cover events Why is this Guild Facilitator qualified for the position?

Pat has 5 years of sales experience and over 10 years of marketing experience, making him a qualified candidate for this position. His extensive experience in networking and social connectivity is precisely the skill set needed for a facilitator of the Events Guild. His previous roles in c-level positions gave him valuable understanding of networking and generating b2b relationships. In his time working in the solar industry he was able to generate partnerships with over 100 solar installation companies by attending events and making cold contacts with industry leaders.

Pat was chosen to be part of the inaugural CityDAO city council, which gives him an intimate understanding of our mission and our vision. Pat represented CityDAO at EthDenver and his team won the hacking competition that was judged by Vitalik Buterin. This energy and attitude would be used in planning and representing CityDAO in future events, and Pat would be an enthusiastic and professional facilitator.

Does the Guild already have members ready to join?

Yes! There are many citizens currently interested in joining the Events Guild.

Including but not limited to: Pat, Lyons, Favian, Syntonika, Mayur, Bruno, Earl, Elmo, Valerie, and many more….

What is the budget / what funding is needed?

We are requesting the following budget for team compensation for Season 1 (the spring quarter through July 1, 2022).

Guild Facilitator - $3,000 + 2 Citizen NFTs/mo

(Guild Facilitator is required to attend 6/6 events)

Co-Facilitator - $1,500 + 1 Citizen NFT/mo

(Co-Facilitator is required to attend 4/6 events)

Citizen NFTs will be distributed for hitting performance goals set by guild members each month

ETH Global DAOHacks sponsorship

Sponsor Spot = $10,000

Prizes = 4 Citizen NFTs s

[ ]

Blockchain Expo NA

Santa Clara, CA

May 11-12

All access tickets x 5 = $5,000

Accommodations for 8 citizens & venue for networking events = $1,400

Expenses (Dinner events, marketing materials,etc) = $2,000

[Blockchain Expo North America 2022 | Technology Conference]


Palm Beach, FL

May 17-19

Tickets x 5 = $5,900

Accommodations for 8 citizens & venue for networking events = $4,000

Expenses (Dinner events, marketing materials,etc) = $5,000

[Permissionless - Blockworks]


Austin, TX

June 9-12

GA tickets x5 = $5,000

Accommodations for 8 citizens & venue for networking events = $4,800

Expenses (Dinner events, marketing materials,etc) = $2,500



New York, NY

June 20-26

All access ticket = $1500

GA tickets x 4 = $2400

Accommodations for 8 citizens & venue for networking events = $11,500

Expenses (Dinner events, marketing materials,etc) = $5000


Gross cost for this quarter = $65,100 +13 citizen NFTs

$60,000 has already been allotted for attending events, we would bring these funds into the event guild budget.

Total quarterly budget request = $5,100 + 13 Citizen NFTs

How many multisig members will there be? Will they be doxed or have KYC?

Multisig signers must be doxed.

There will be 3 signers in the multisig with at least 2 needed to pass a transaction.

How will we quantify return on marketing spend?

The events guild facilitators will work with the guild members to develop goals for these metrics before each event. Reports will be posted following all events

-New citizens onboarded through outreach

-Number of intros made by ambassadors

-Number of workshop attendees

-Number of website visits from event flyers

Ambassadors can use QR codes that link to CityDAOs website to track how many introductions they made.

Reports will be generated after each event detailing outcomes of marketing efforts and expense breakdowns for the public to read.

1 vote
2 years ago

Parcel 0 Quantity

Parcel 0 launch has been announced and taking place at the end of April.

Majority of details have been finalised, however we still have a CIP regarding the number of parcels to exist in the drop.

For more information on the CIP, please check out this link:

The two options for the drop are as follows:

  1. There will be a limited number of Parcel 0 NFT’s (1,000)

This will mean a launch using the parcel viewer that has already been developed and a raffle process like previously planned.

  1. Every citizen/citizenship will be eligible to claim a Parcel 0 NFT

This will entail a claims portal which will require development and allow citizens to claim over a certain time period or using an airdrop to send parcel 0 NFTs to all "unique" owners of CityDAO Citizen NFTs (approx: 6.5k), which will be a larger supply.

Please see the CIP in the forum for arguments and reasoning.

Otherwise, please cast your vote for Option 1 (1000 Parcels) or Option 2 (All Citizens)

If you have any questions, please tag any team in the discord.

Option 2 ( All Citizens)
1 vote
2 years ago

CIP-35 Core Team Rewards


Over the last 8 months, the Core Team laid groundwork for CityDAO - including acquiring Parcel 0 and setting up the legal infra for CityDAO LLC, Parcel 0, and the land drop. As we decentralize operations and welcome the council, this proposal seeks to reward contributors upon success criteria like the Parcel 0 Launch and Operating Agreement. This proposal grants 281 out of the 2,000 reserved contributor Citizen NFTs for core team members.


At the outset, 2,000 NFTs were set aside for core team members, contributors, partnerships, awards, and bounties. There has been no consistent ongoing rewards for core team and contributors. Rewards were issued sporadically, so we propose the following adjustments. This issues a one time compensation event that represents the work the core team, contributors, and more recently council has done over the past 6 months of DAO existence.

Rewards shall be issued in full upon Success Criteria below being met:

  • Parcel 0 legal docs complete (conservation agreement or NFT holder agreement in place)
  • Parcel 0 land drop executed on
  • Operating Agreement is instituted for CityDAO LLC

Rewards authorization:

Currently, no ongoing rewards are authorized and ongoing comp will be handled in a separate proposal.


  • These rewards are not vested since they represent rewards for 8 months of prior work. Future comp will be vested.
  • This proposal is meant to replace all prior rewards, including mandating the return of NFTs in some case. There was some NFTs previously issued explained in this spreadsheet compiled by Alex who audited the NFT outflows.

1 vote
3 years ago

Council Election

"This proposal addresses the very core of CityDAO. It asks for consensus on forming an inaugural CityDAO Council (replacing the Core Team) with a clear mandate; Draft and ratify the CityDAO Charter and DAO LLC Operating Agreement. These will be the pillars of the foundation that we will build on."

The Council Election will take place for 5 days until February 1st at 12 AM.

Please take time to consider your vote before processing as it is a very important step for CityDAO.

Please review the below council candidate proposal and each of the candidates listed.


For extra clarity on your vote, please check out the council debate:

1 vote
3 years ago

Reimbursement for scam-attack victims

This proposal is to remediate approximately 29.1 ETH in lost funds due to the social engineering attack on January 10, 2022. This amount is approximate and subject to change based on further investigations into some of the claims. All remediation requests will be verified by the core team prior to payment.

We will also have the option of repaying gas spent on fraudulent transactions.

  • If you think the DAO should repay both lost funds and gas, please vote “Remediate Lost ETH + Gas Costs”.
  • If you think the DAO should only repay lost funds, please vote “Remediate Lost ETH Only”.
  • If you think the DAO should remediate some percentage of lost funds, please vote “Partially Remediate Lost ETH Only” (Note: if this option wins, we will have a second vote to determine the %).
  • If you think the DAO should not remediate any lost funds, please vote “Do Not Remediate”.

How vote counting will work:

To avoid a situation in which the vote is split fairly evenly, resulting in no remediation winning despite >50% of votes being in favor of remediation in some capacity, the option “Do Not Remediate” will have to receive >50% of all votes to win. If not, it will be removed from the options.

If “Do Not Remediate” receives <50% of all votes and is removed from the options, we will move to “Partially Remediate Lost ETH Only”. To avoid a similar situation, this option will have to receive >50% of all votes minus the votes counted for “Do Not Remediate”. If it does not receive enough votes, it will be removed from the options and we will evaluate the final two.

In evaluating the final two options, the option with the greater number of votes will win.

Partially Remediate LostETH Only
1 vote
3 years ago

CIP-26 Event Sponsorship

Following our proposal for event sponsorship in CityDAO forums, We are now proposing a vote to create a financial draft and feasibility study for the event.

The event being referred to is Blockwork's Permissionless in Miami in May 2022.

The proposal outline from the forum is to:

Sponsor the Permissionless event (30-70k) Provide staffing and setup budget of 30k Total Budget: 100k

The goal of this proposal is to:

Gain more exposure for CityDAO to the wider Web3 Community. This exposure is targeted at projects and members in the space that are ideologically aligned and can aid CityDAO in its infrastructure development while also giving CityDAO presence at a global event to showcase the projects goals and achievements.

Please read the following forum post for more information on the proposal:

Yes, proceed with sponosrship
1 vote
3 years ago

CIP-28: Form CityDAO Council

Motivation and Rationale: The Foundation of CityDAO Proposal Discussion: CIP-28 on Discourse

Details / Specification

  • Create a new CityDAO Council that replaces the Core Team
  • Staff the inaugural Council with 20 members:
    • Anyone from the core team that wants to accept a temporary declaration of commitment
      • Core team is currently 10 members
      • Commitment declaration to be drafted separately
    • 5 are elected immediately by Citizens
      • All candidates must be CityDAO Citizens.
      • Election will be coordinated by the Council to conclude in less than 30 days
    • Remaining (after elections) are appointed by the Council at their discretion.
      • Appointed members must be CityDAO Citizens (hold a Citizen NFT)
  • The Council will have 30 days (after election) to
    • Ratify the CityDAO Charter (previously referred to as the Constitution)
    • Implement the DAO LLC Operating Agreement
    • The Council will have the power to put the Charter and Operating Agreement into effect WITHOUT any further approval from Citizens.
  • The inaugural Council will focus on nothing else until the Charter and Operating Agreement are in-place.
  • The Council will have 30 days (after elections conclude) to ratify both a CityDAO Charter and DAO LLC Operating Agreement. If they fail to do this the Council will be automatically dissolved.
  • Current multisig signers will NOT turn over or modify the multisig in any way until BOTH a CityDAO Charter and DAO LLC Operating Agreement are in place.
  • Council positions will be limited in term with exact details to be part of the CityDAO Charter.
  • If a council member leaves before the Charter and Operating Agreement are in effect an election will be held to replace them.

1 vote
3 years ago

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