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CIP 182 - t0wn STAGE ONE funding allocation

TLDR: This proposal enables the t0wn team to reallocate the resources from Stage 1 of the t0wn project toward building two apps that will more immediately and concretely benefit the t0wn project and CityDAO as a whole. The overall plan for t0wn has not changed.

This proposal asks for only $1 of additional funding to secure a quorum of 250 votes. Other than that, we are merely asking for the ability to reallocate funds that have already been sent to our treasury. We have removed our request for additional funding based on the responses in the forum, which we take very seriously. To us, t0wn is a community made of its valued members, and compromise is the language of cooperation.


The t0wn team has been meeting weekly for months. We’ve had several meetings with the Próspera team about possibly acquiring real estate in it’s first tower as a first physical hub for t0wn. Those discussions remain ongoing. We’ve had all sorts of contact, discussion and meetings with potential member DAOs. Our aim is to reallocate the remaining funds toward building apps that will help push this project forward.

As of today, a little over $54,000 remains in the t0wn treasury. Our initial CIP called for $32K in t0wn team compensation and $20K in discretionary funds. $1K compensation has been paid out per team member ($4k total) and no other money has been spent. Based on our internal weekly discussions, meetings with other DAOs and projects, Twitter spaces and independent research, we are clearer on how we think the discretionary funds should be spent.


We would like the ability to reallocate the remaining funds toward:

  1. A dominant assurance smart contract
  2. A identity verification app that KYCs individuals to global banking standards and ties the verified individual to one and only one ETH address with a soulbound token. This app will consist of two components:
    1. KYC functionality - for example, a custom front end that utilizes the API of a third party KYC service like Plaid.
    2. A NFT smart contract, likely employing the ERC-5484 standard for soulbound tokens.
  3. Legal costs relating to analyzing the appropriate DAO structure


Assurance contract: Our initial t0wn STAGE 1 plan was to have DAOs sign LOIs stating their intent to contribute to a t0wn treasury to buy land for a “DAO hub.” We decided it would not only benefit t0wn, but also CityDAO and the web3 community at large if we figured out how to program the essence of an LOI into a smart contract. Utilizing Alex Tabarrok’s Dominant Assurance Contract idea, we will create a smart contract where entities can pledge money toward a public good (like t0wn). If the funding threshold is hit by a certain deadline (which is programmed into the smart contract when it is deployed), the project gets funded. If the threshold is not hit by the deadline, everyone gets their money back and those that contributed the earliest get a small monetary “prize” for having been the first movers / believers. Details around the prize mechanics will be sorted out during development, one key component being the prize is big enough to incentivize early contribution but small enough to disincentivize entities wanting the project to fail.

Building a dominant assurance smart contract will not only be a boon to t0wn and CityDAO, but also to anyone who wants to fund a public good on the blockchain without using methods such as Juicebox that take a significant percentage of funds.

Identity Verification: Part of having a community is ensuring that people are not sybils, that identities can be verified. Rather than using a method such as NFT + Gitcoin Passport or Proof of Humanity, we would like to offer individuals the ability to KYC to global banking standards, verify ownership of a wallet address, and then marry the two with a soulbound token. We plan to use the ERC-5484 standard for soulbound tokens which allows both the issuer and the holder to burn the token - the former being necessary in case of identity fraud and the latter being necessary in case the holder wants to disconnect or move their identity to a different address.


This proposal augments STAGE ONE of the original proposal by allowing additional uses of the funding allocated by that proposal. It also adds an additional potential STAGE TWO trigger—a deployed assurance contract that successfully raises at least $750k will automatically trigger STAGE TWO. The t0wn team will determine which avenue to pursue (ie signed LOIs or raising via assurance contract) following development of the latter.


  • All the benefits outlined in the original t0wn proposal remain.
  • CityDAO Citizens will be able to use the app at cost for a period of one year after the app is launched, subject to reasonable volume of usage and our team’s ability to handle such volume. We will make best efforts to allow CityDAO Citizens to use the app at cost for longer than one year, again subject to reasonable volume of usage and our team’s ability to handle such volume.
  • Open use of the dominant assurance smart contract and the ERC-5484 soulbound token contract.


  • The dominant assurance smart contract and the ERC-5484 soulbound token contract will be open source.
  • The rest of the KYC app will be owned by the Friends of Town Foundation corporation.

3 votes
1 year ago

CIP-151: Quorum and Elections


This proposal has 3 main fuctions:

  1. Adjust Quorums
  2. Hold Elections for City Council
  3. Establish a Complaint Process

Category - Governance Criticalness - High Impact - High (All members of DAO will be affected) Duration - 6 months Quorum - 500 votes counted as 1 NFT = 1 vote Budget - 46,800 (+ bonuses up to $18,000)

The three goals are explained in more detail below:

--Adjust quorums--

Currently, the way votes are counted for quorum is 1 NFT = 1 vote. After a year of governance, CityDAO contributors have realized that it makes no sense for quorum to be the same for $11K and for $2 million, and it makes no sense that a non-financial vote has the same quorum as a CIP for $2 million. The new proposed system would still count 1 NFT as 1 vote for quorum with the following amendments:

1 vote = 1 quadratically-counted NFT An algorithm will be used to determine the quorum for different request amounts. An algorithm will be used to determine the voter approval rating

Quorum Algorithm: 50 + [1/2 * (sqrt $Ask)] Voter Approval Rating Algorithm: 66 + 24 ($ ask / treasury)

  • To amend the Charter will require a quorum of 200 counted quadratically. Currently, it takes 1000 votes counted non-quadratically to amend the Operating Agreement (OA). This CIP does not intend to alter or amend the OA. This includes NOT changing how votes are counted for altering or amending the OA. They will be counted non-quadratically as 1 NFT = 1 vote.

--Hold Elections for City Council--

This CIP will create elections for seven (7) members of City Council. Within one week after elections are completed, the Council will choose one (1) individual from inside or outside the Council to serve as the Executive Facilitator (EF). If a member of the Council is chosen as the EF, then the remaining Council members will choose one additional member.

The EF will be a separate position and is not in the Council. The Council delegates the authority to the EF. The EF does not vote in the Council. The EF will be in charge of the day-to-day administration and operational execution, while the City Council is in policy setting and strategic direction. The Council may determine the authorities of the EF. The Council may not interfere in the EF’s authorities except if the EF is incapacitated. The Council are the decisions makers and the EF handles implementation.

The EF will have the following powers and authority:

  • Implementation of projects, including resource availability and oversight
  • Handle relationships with outside counsel
  • Handle mailing address, copyrights, trademarks, legal formalities
  • Handle relationships with CPAs for bookkeeping and taxes
  • Any powers and authorities delegated by a majority vote of the City Council

The City Council will have the following powers and authority:

  • Appointment of Executive Facilitator.
  • Possible hiring of an Ops Admin
  • Appointment of Multisig Signers.
  • Create advisory boards of citizens.
  • Policy setting and strategic direction.
  • Maintain or hire people to maintain the DAO tools
  • Adopt its own rules of procedure and set the time and place of its official meetings.
  • Provide for the prosecution and defense of legal causes on behalf of CityDAO and retain counsel and set their compensation.
  • Establish and enforce regulations for behavior.
  • Establish and enforce regulations for the resolution of disputes.
  • Enter into agreements with other DAOs or entities.
  • Levy and collect taxes, rents, lease fees and other sources of revenue.
  • Make investigations of CityDAO affairs; inquire into accounts, records, and transactions of any CityDAO department, office, or officer; and, for these purposes, require reports from any project and the production of official records.
  • Adopt rules and regulations necessary for the exercise of its powers and prescribe fines and penalties for the violation of ordinances in accordance with city law.
  • Place questions or propositions directly onto Snapshot, when agreed to by 5 of 7 of the total membership of the City Council.

The City Council will appoint the eight (8) multisig signers. The role of the multisig signers is transaction execution and transaction evaluation. All multisig signers will undergo proper training to fully grasp the implications and responsibilities of being on the multisig. The multisig signers are responsible to check transactions, to check where the funds are being sent, and to follow all the requirements for a proper transaction for the protection of CityDAO. The key aspect of the multisig is that the signers be trusted members of the DAO.

Operations and Day-to-Day Administration

The City Council will help organize and delegate operational tasks, such as maintaining the meeting minutes, permissions, passwords, independent contractor agreements and contracts. The City Council will schedule weekly meetings at regular times, which will not be changed with less than 48 hours notice. Council members will each have the highest level of admin permissions on each of CityDAO’s tools, including but not limited to discord discourse, Twitter, Notion, Snapshot and Google Workspace. The Council will determine who else should hold any permissions or passwords.

CIP Template Creation and Management

In addition to formatting a template for CIPs, the City Council will help problem-solve and request additional information where necessary, to make sure that proposals further the mission of the DAO.

Transparency Dashboard

The City Council will require that, for quality, transparency and clarity, all CityDAO projects create a transparent and available document that provides all pertinent information on funding received, expenditures, milestones and benchmarks. This document will be written in plain English and will be available at all times to all citizens on the CityDAO website or Notion page. The Council will finalize the details of the process. This is not meant to punish people but to provide transparency. Project members must populate the dashboard in order to receive continued funding.

Election Method

If this CIP passes, there will be open elections for seven (7) City Council members, all with six-month terms that begin on the day the election ends. Any citizen may run for any position. A citizen may be on the City Council and the multisig simultaneously. There will be no hierarchy of members on the City Council.

To be elected, candidates must put up a platform statement on Discourse. All candidates will take part in a series of two (2) public debates with questions submitted in advance by any citizen, moderated and run by the Community and Media Guilds together. After the debates, separate ranked choice votes will be put on Snapshot. All elected members of the multisig and the City Council must be willing to be KYC’d.

Election Rules

  • The election may not be used as an excuse to disparage the character of another member of the DAO.
  • Candidates may not make pledges, promises, or commitments of any sort.

Compensation and Budgets

Multisig Compensation: The multisig signers will receive $100 per month each, regardless of who actually signs the transactions. This is meant to incentivize all members to pay close attention to the transactions, their purpose, destination, suitability and potential liability to the DAO.

City Council Compensation: 3 Citizenship NFT per month per councilmember; City Council will have a fund of 5 NFTs total per month to bring in talented individuals to the DAO. 4 of 7 vote required to give an NFT.

Executive Facilitator: The EF will receive $3K per month in compensation + a potential bonus of up to $3K per month based on performance from the City Council, and will have a budget of $24K over six (6) months and the authority to execute agreements.

  • In an emergency event where CityDAO gets sued and is required to pay fees in excess of the funds in the City Council treasury, the City Council can put a CIP on Discourse and Snapshot concurrently, with no time limits required. Quorum will be however many people vote.


The multisig signers will have one week to sign or reject transactions. If a transaction is rejected, the signers must document reasons why and next steps within a reasonable time. If any of the multisig signers refuse to sign (2) or more transactions, they will be removed and the candidate who had the next highest vote will replace them. If there are no candidates left, a new election will be held for replacements or the City Council will choose replacements. The members of the multisig can vote off any member with a 5 of 8 vote.

If any of the City Council members miss more than three (3) meetings, they will be removed and replaced in the same manner as the multisig signers. The City Council can vote off any member with a 5 of 7 vote. The City Council can remove the EF at any time with a 5 of 7 vote. CityDAO Citizens can call for a removal or replacement of members of the multisig or the City Council or the Executive Facilitator with a CIP and a quorum of 50 votes. If a CIP is put up, it will be done with an anonymous “City Council” account so no one feels pressure to doxx.

--Complaint Process--

A complaint may subject the citizen to penalties up to and including a prohibition on offending parties from holding administrative positions at CityDAO or in CityDAO projects.

  • Substance - What Constitutes a Complaint?

An allegation of wrongdoing related to projects, behavior, transactions, or violations of the rules at CityDAO.

  • Process - How is a Complaint Dealt With?

Step 1 - Mediation by an individual who is agreed-upon by both parties.

Both parties must agree on an individual, preferably (but not necessarily) a CityDAO Citizen, who will hear both sides of the argument and attempt to mediate between the two parties.

Step 2 - Random jury (Randomocracy)

Complaints that reach step 2 will be heard by a Kleros court. In case of failure, the City Council can choose to use a randomly selected group of six (6) CityDAO citizens using the Chainlink Verifiable Randomness Function (VRF). If either party is not satisfied with the decision, they may appeal to a Kleros appeals court.

Both parties must write a complaint document. This complaint of wrongdoing needs to be complete and make specific allegations along with any evidence. Payment for “jury duty” is $50 per person. This jury of 6 people will make a binding decision based on the facts presented. The Executive Facilitator will enforce the result by initiating a resolution that will go to the City Council to handle the dispute accordingly.

3 votes
1 year ago

CIP145 - Elections for the CityDAO Multisig

TL/DR: This is a proposal that seeks to: Establish a formal election process (“CityDAO Election Process”) to be used initially for the CityDAO Multisig (“Multisig Election”); Establish compensation and limited authority for the Elected Multisig; Empower Walter Clapp as the Election Facilitator (@wdclapp Discord handle) to administer the Multisig Election and all related aspects of the election process; Compensate Walter (and any team members, as may be determined by Walter in his discretion) for the efforts and undertakings relating to #1, 2, and 3 above.​ Total target compensation = $9,000 (the “Election Comp Pool”); which includes Walter’s compensation plus money available to compensate assistant(s) at Walter’s sole discretion.) SECTION 3.05 of the Operating Agreement states CityDAO’s purpose and mission as follows: “PURPOSE; POWERS. CityDAO was established for the purpose and mission of exploring decentralized governance mechanisms as well as establishing verification of physical asset ownership, such as real property, on the Ethereum Blockchain.” CityDAO has not spent adequate time or money on decentralized governance and this CIP aims to change that dynamic. The time for elections at CityDAO is here. Our First Election will be to Elect Members of the Multisig. According to Chat GPT, “Here are some reasons why DAOs might use elections: Representation: Elections allow DAO members to choose representatives who can make decisions on their behalf. This can help ensure that the decisions made by the DAO are aligned with the interests of its members.

Accountability: Elections can hold representatives accountable to the DAO members. If representatives fail to perform their duties or act in a way that is not in the best interests of the DAO, they can be removed from their positions through a vote.

Transparency: Elections can provide transparency in the decision-making process. All members have the opportunity to participate in the voting process and have a say in the direction of the DAO. Efficiency: Elections can help DAOs make decisions more efficiently. By delegating decision-making to elected representatives, the DAO can avoid delays and inefficiencies that might result from a more decentralized decision-making process.

Legitimacy: Elections can help legitimize the decisions made by the DAO. When decisions are made through a transparent and democratic process, members are more likely to accept and support them.” Currently - The “Multisig” is a body of eight (8) individuals who own private keys that own and control the CityDAO Main Safe Treasury. There are a few ways to manage a DAO Treasury and in the early days CityDAO chose the centralized manner of establishing a Multi-signature Smart Contract. Currently, 5 of 8 signers must sign a transaction to use money from the DAO’s treasury. This CIP creates a Multisig election. Each seat will be paid $200 per month. This CIP also confirms the Multisig authority to not sign transactions if they violate any act of governance (CIP, Charter, or OA), or violate US/Wyoming Law. Walter Clapp will oversee and implement the first election of the current 8 Multisig seats pursuant to this CIP. Walter makes sense as a licensed attorney, and his interest in reinvigorating the republic in America, including a vision for a Constitutional Convention. Walter is also a public candidate for President of the U.S. Walter can achieve the goal of getting CityDAO from the appointed Multisig of today to the Elected Multisig of CityDAO’s future. The election is intended to be completed by July 1, 2023. Multisig members will be up for election every 1 year. July 2023 multisig members will be replaced in July 2024 and so on. Unless a new CIP is passed to amend this one, it will recur with automatic passage annually. Multisig members may serve a maximum of two terms. Once this CIP passes, the CIP and election, to completion, will be publicized by the DAO to Twitter, the Website, Discord, Discourse, and via email. Nominations will be open to be submitted via Forum (Discourse). Self-nominations are prohibited. Nominations will require the person nominating to provide proof of humanity via a photo of their face with the nominee’s name on a piece of paper held by the nominator. Nominations for individuals will be subject to open Q&A, as well as limited debates that may be hosted by Walter.

Eligibility: Nominees will be required to go through KYC and AML, and any other legal hurdles required by the US or Wyoming law, prior to the vote. Nominations will open upon passage of this CIP and shall close on June 1, 2023. Walter will then compile a list of all qualified nominees for voting after the close of each round of nominations.. A virtual synchronous election over a seven (7) day period will occur via a CityDAO Citizen token gated discord channel (or Snapshot) administered by Walter and other present admins. Each citizen will be asked to rank their top eight (8) votes for the multisig. All citizens may only vote one time. Walter will manually tabulate the winners pursuant to the rules of rank choice voting, and publish the results on Snapshot for certification. These new signers will be admitted to the Multisig within 24 hours of certification. The next four (4) highest votes will be alternates. In the event a Multisig member steps down, is removed, or otherwise unable to complete their role, they shall be replaced by the alternate with the next most votes from the election (and if they are not available, the second highest voted alternate would be appointed, and so on). All 8 Multisig seats will begin receiving compensation the month after the first four new Multisignators are elected. Any tampering is expressly prohibited, including without limitation, Sybil Votes and use of Sybil Wallets. If tampering is discovered, the user(s) will be banned from multisig election voting for 1 year; and will be permanently banned from elected positions at CityDAO, or CityDAO positions with budget authority. Walter will work with current moderators and administrators to enforce these rules, publish ample advance notice of the nominations and election, and any updated rules of the election. Walter will publish a CIP to ratify the election and compensation within 24 hours of the election closing. If the elected are not ratified, this CIP will cease. Miscellaneous Terms of CIP-145 Term/Date of Completion no later than September 1, 2023 (note – anticipated ASAP but providing this outside date) The Facilitator role for this Election is a non-replaceable role, meaning that the CIP is formally terminated if Walter is not physically able to complete the election. Only a new CIP can establish a different or alternate election procedure. As stated above, the process will be finalized using a ratification CIP. Other CIPs relating to election considerations or compensation for elected Multisig members may follow depending on the nature of the process itself or its outcomes. Walter may use the assistance of others as he deems necessary, including the discretion to provide compensation from the Election Comp Pool in his discretion. Adjustments and amendments allowed by Proposer or Walter prior to Snapshot, will be tracked, and kept transparent in this Forum page. Payment of any amounts hereunder will be made from the Main Treasury within five (5) days of submission of Utopia payment request with reasonable supporting documentation as necessary.

3 votes
1 year ago

$9,000 USDC for Turkey Relief

CIP Text: https://forum.citydao.io/t/how-citydao-can-help-turkey-earthquake/2009 (from Simplepixelife)

This CIP aims to deliver something else…

Yesterday, we faced a big earthquake. Now we’re dealing once again the damage it has done to citizens of Turkey. Many casualties, many wounded… You can check the news for more details.

As Tr (Turkish) community, we want to help as CityDAO to our local citizens who are facing many problems such as food, shelter, clothing and many more…

Many brands, organizations, companies, DAOs started campaigns and try to help locals in many ways. They need help badly.


We ask for 9,000 $ to deliver to a specific organization called ;

Twitter / ahbap

which is a reputable organization founded by ;

Twitter / haluklevent

We know that they would collab with governorship and help this donation spent in the best way.

How ?

CityDAO treasury could sent the funds to me (via metamask) and i personally will deliver the equal amount to the organization via bank. No compensation Bank transactions and proof will be shared after. If you do have another idea how we can do this, pls share

Risk ?

The funds will transfer to an individual That's why I would recommend to use KYC. I can share my info if needed

Why CityDAO would do this ?

To show the space that DAOs can do it To lead other DAOs To help people in need To support TR community To increase brand awareness

Waiting for your comments, if you want this CIP goes to snapshot, pls give a LIKE !

Thanks in advance.

3 votes
2 years ago

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