


Past Votes


CIP-28: Form CityDAO Council

Motivation and Rationale: The Foundation of CityDAO Proposal Discussion: CIP-28 on Discourse

Details / Specification

  • Create a new CityDAO Council that replaces the Core Team
  • Staff the inaugural Council with 20 members:
    • Anyone from the core team that wants to accept a temporary declaration of commitment
      • Core team is currently 10 members
      • Commitment declaration to be drafted separately
    • 5 are elected immediately by Citizens
      • All candidates must be CityDAO Citizens.
      • Election will be coordinated by the Council to conclude in less than 30 days
    • Remaining (after elections) are appointed by the Council at their discretion.
      • Appointed members must be CityDAO Citizens (hold a Citizen NFT)
  • The Council will have 30 days (after election) to
    • Ratify the CityDAO Charter (previously referred to as the Constitution)
    • Implement the DAO LLC Operating Agreement
    • The Council will have the power to put the Charter and Operating Agreement into effect WITHOUT any further approval from Citizens.
  • The inaugural Council will focus on nothing else until the Charter and Operating Agreement are in-place.
  • The Council will have 30 days (after elections conclude) to ratify both a CityDAO Charter and DAO LLC Operating Agreement. If they fail to do this the Council will be automatically dissolved.
  • Current multisig signers will NOT turn over or modify the multisig in any way until BOTH a CityDAO Charter and DAO LLC Operating Agreement are in place.
  • Council positions will be limited in term with exact details to be part of the CityDAO Charter.
  • If a council member leaves before the Charter and Operating Agreement are in effect an election will be held to replace them.

2 votes
3 years ago

How should we price the Parcel 0 Plot NFTs?

Parcel 0 will be divided into 950 plots. The original purchase price of Parcel 0 was approximately $100K.

The case for market price:

  • The DAO should minimize costs for citizens
  • We shouldn't be in charge of determining the land's worth

The case for a higher price:

  • Revenue for the DAO to spend on future land drops
  • Cost of the work done to make the drop a reality + gas fees
  • Not the whole DAO will be able to purchase plots, those who are whitelisted should pay for the opportunity to purchase
  • Too low of a price could make the NFTs appear insignificant

This vote will be done as ranked-choice voting.

2 votes
3 years ago

How many Parcel 0 Plot NFTs should each whitelisted citizen be allowed to buy?

Parcel 0 will have 950 plots. 50 citizens will be whitelisted through the raffle system each day. This vote is to determine how many plots each of those citizens should be allowed to buy.

More plots allowed means fewer citizens will end up being whitelisted, but they will have the opportunity to own more NFTs. Fewer plots mean more citizens will have the opportunity to purchase.

1 NFT / raffle selection
2 votes
3 years ago

What should the royalty be on resales of the Parcel 0 Plot NFTs?

Royalties allow CityDAO to maintain consistent income without new NFT drops while disincentivizing selling the NFTs. This vote is to determine the resale royalty on the Parcel 0 Plot NFTs. This royalty will go to the DAO treasury.

2 votes
3 years ago

CIP-21 Website Project

Abstract To update the CityDAO site (https://www.citydao.io/) to improve the look/feel, bring the content up-to-date, and successfully onboard new users to the DAO.

What does success look like? To create an updated site which:

Informs first-time visitors what CityDAO is Excites and inspire visitors about our revolutionary mission Engages visitors by showing them how to get involved Project brief with full details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O_cvxsWpe-sxY_mtO0l3D9zgmkDO6faVeGuWD3R1M4g/edit?usp=sharing

Budget allocation Up to 2ETH. 0.7 ETH will go to Tyro as the project lead. The remainder will cover bounties for all design and dev work required for the project. See the project brief for more details.

Context This project was kickstarted by Greg (a member of the core team) in the #Dev Discord channel.

To date, community members have been surveyed for ideas and feedback on the current site, but no design/dev work has begun. Please see the project brief for more info.

2 votes
3 years ago

What direction are you most excited about for CityDAO?

This is a non-binding, informal poll to see what direction citizens are most excited about going.

This will help inform future projects but note that our actual direction may be limited by funding, legal concerns, and other factors.

About each option:

Conservation and public goods: You believe CityDAO should focus on projects for public good like preserving land, carbon credits, protecting wildlife, etc

Building a city: You think that CityDAO should start building and governing a city somewhere now.

Buying land and real estate: You think CityDAO should experiment with buying and governing different types of properties, such as land, houses, apartments, islands, or other property types.

2 votes
3 years ago

CIP 3: Authorize CityDAO to purchase a parcel of land


This proposal authorizes CityDAO to spend up to $150,000 (approx. 50% of the CityDAO treasury) on a parcel of land, including land cost, taxes, and broker and legal fees that may be associated.


Over the last few weeks, we have been discussing optimal criteria for selecting a land parcel. This included distance to an airport, maximizing freedom of zoning, ease of access via road, and available resources like water and power. We have debated different options and have an ongoing discussion in Discourse here.

Summaries, listing info, and virtual tours of our top parcels are at the bottom of this proposal.


  • The ability to use any of the land may be limited by Wyoming state law, Clark County law, and CityDAO, especially if its in a subdivision (see notion) which can impose additional rules.
  • Further decisions are needed around mechanisms for land tokenization (lease, easements, community governance, etc) and will be decided in separate proposals.
  • CityDAO is operating in a legally novel zone and is a risky project.

Voting Guide

Research (see below resources) and select your favorite parcel. You can ask questions and discuss in Discord town-square-text channel. You may vote on a parcel, or vote to postpone the vote and propose a new parcel or ask for more discussion and research.


We have debated different options and have an ongoing discussion in Discourse. https://forum.citydao.io/t/land-selection-discussion/15

Summaries, listing info, and virtual tours of our top parcels: https://citydao.notion.site/Parcel-0-Selection-Parcels-e25f25978d094ff5b15021eb4ddf425b

Parcel 6
1 vote
3 years ago

[Signaling][Phase-2] CIP-2: Adopt Governance Process for CityDAO Improvement Proposals

CIP: 2
title: Adopt Governance Process for CityDAO Improvement Proposals
author: Justin Kalland
status: Phase-2
created: 2021-09-09

👉 Link to CIP-2 Proposal Thread

Simple Summary

Formalize the detailed process for proposing, voting, and adopting CIPs (CityDAO Improvement Proposals).


This proposal provides a detailed structured process for CityDAO governance proposals. Any individual or entity wishing to create a proposal and put it up to vote will need to go through those steps to ensure that its proposal is detailed enough to be voted on and its implementation enforceable.


As the DAO matures we have more citizens wanting to participate in governance. There has been confusion on how to do this. We need a process that is fair and easy to follow, while ensuring a bare minimum quality and avoiding voter fatigue.


The CityDAO governance process is primarily conducted using the CIPs category . For a proposal to be accepted, it must successfully pass through three phases:

Phase 1: Ideation

This phase facilitates an initial, informal discussion on these forums regarding potential proposals. You can initiate a proposal in Phase 1 by posting your idea in the CIPs category with the phase-1 tag. This phase allows proposals to gather community insight for refinement before opening a formal poll.

Duration: Open-ended

Passing Requirement: For proposals to successfully pass from Phase 1 to Phase 2, there is no formal requirement. However, if a Phase 1 proposal discussion fails to garner any momentum from the community, it is unlikely to become a successful proposal.

Phase 2: Specification

This phase requires proposals to be posted in a new dedicated thread the CIPs category using the CityDAO Improvement Proposal (CIP) template. You can create a CityDAO Improvement Proposal (CIP) easily by adding the CIP subcategory, after which your draft post will automatically be populated by a CIP template for you to fill in. You can move a proposal to Phase 2 by posting the CIP-# with the phase-2 tag.

The CIP template recommends that all proposals should contain the following fields when applicable , such as a Simple Summary, Abstract, Motivation and Specification. In addition to these fields, Phase 2 proposals must also include a link to a 3-day long signalling poll on CityDAO Snapshot page about the proposal outcome (that contains the proposal text as well as a link to the HIP post on the forum), and it must include the option Make no changes. The Phase 2 proposal poll on Snapshot should be prefixed by [Signalling] to differentiate them from binding Phase 3 proposal votes*. Each Citizen NFT gets one vote.

*In the near future, if we are able to create polls on the forum only open to Discourse accounts linked to a Citizen NFT, then the signalling poll could be done on the forum. This change would require a new CIP.

Duration: 3 days

Passing Requirement: For proposals to successfully pass from Phase 2 to Phase 3, there must be one outcome with a relative majority of votes on the snapshot poll. If the relative majority of votes on the snapshot poll indicates the result Make no changes, the proposal will not pass to Phase 3.

Phase 3: Consensus

Move a proposal to Phase 3 by editing the CIP post from the previous phase to reflect the snapshot signalling poll result that received a relative majority of votes and by updating the proposal’s tag to phase-3. This serves to refine the proposal for the final phase.

Additionally, a CityDAO proposal must be created on Snapshot (that contains the proposal text as well as a link to the CIP post on the forum), it must be prefixed by [Binding] and it must include the option Make no changes. Each Citizen NFT gets one vote.

Duration: 7 days

Passing Requirement: For proposals to be accepted in this final phase, there must be one outcome with a relative majority of votes in the Snapshot proposal. If the relative majority of votes on the proposal indicates the result Make no changes, the proposal will not be accepted and considered closed.

Any snapshot proposal not following these guidelines can be considered non-binding.

Many thanks to teams in the ecosystem including PoH, Gnosis, Balancer and Uniswap, which inspired this governance process.

CIP Template

CIP: <Number to be assigned>
title: <CIP title>
author: <a list of the author's or authors' name(s) and/or username(s), or name(s) and email(s),
status: Draft
created: <date created on, in ISO 8601 (yyyy-mm-dd) format>
requires (*optional): <CIP number(s)>
replaces (*optional): <CIP number(s)>

Simple Summary

(Required for Phase 1)

If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough. Provide a simplified and layman-accessible explanation of the CIP.


(Required for Phase 1)

A short (~200 word) description of the issue being addressed.


(Required for Phase 1)

The motivation is critical for CIPs that want to allocate funding or change the DAO. CIP posts without sufficient motivation may be rejected outright.


(Required for Phase 2)

The technical specification should describe the syntax and semantics of any new feature. The specification should be detailed enough to allow for it to be reasoned about by participants in CityDAO.


(Recommended for Phase 2)

The rationale fleshes out the specification by describing what motivated the design and why particular design decisions were made. It should describe alternate designs that were considered and related work. The rationale may also provide evidence of consensus within the community, and should discuss important objections or concerns raised during discussion.


(If necessary, recommended for Phase 3)

Pass to Phase-3
1 vote
3 years ago

Shall we adopt the following budget?

The CityDAO treasury has about $250k, mainly generated from NFT sales in the past few weeks.

The Core Team proposes the following budget. https://www.notion.so/citydao/Financials-and-Contributions-0f4a40c0f63e41d9bfe237cb9f4add65

Please feel free to ask questions and make suggestions in town-square-text.

1 vote
3 years ago

How many initial land parcel NFTs should we make available?

We will be able to acquire 5 - 50 acres of land for around 120k. We plan on selling individual subparcels as NFTs to CityDAO citizens. How should we subdivide parcels? Should we opt for smaller parcels for more people or larger parcels for fewer people?

Size comparisons:

1 acre - about 75% of a football field 0.1 acre - The size of a large, suburban house with a backyard and pool 0.01 acre - the size of a two car garage

500 parcels, 0.1 acre each
1 vote
3 years ago

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