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CIP145 - Elections for the CityDAO Multisig

TL/DR: This is a proposal that seeks to: Establish a formal election process (“CityDAO Election Process”) to be used initially for the CityDAO Multisig (“Multisig Election”); Establish compensation and limited authority for the Elected Multisig; Empower Walter Clapp as the Election Facilitator (@wdclapp Discord handle) to administer the Multisig Election and all related aspects of the election process; Compensate Walter (and any team members, as may be determined by Walter in his discretion) for the efforts and undertakings relating to #1, 2, and 3 above.​ Total target compensation = $9,000 (the “Election Comp Pool”); which includes Walter’s compensation plus money available to compensate assistant(s) at Walter’s sole discretion.) SECTION 3.05 of the Operating Agreement states CityDAO’s purpose and mission as follows: “PURPOSE; POWERS. CityDAO was established for the purpose and mission of exploring decentralized governance mechanisms as well as establishing verification of physical asset ownership, such as real property, on the Ethereum Blockchain.” CityDAO has not spent adequate time or money on decentralized governance and this CIP aims to change that dynamic. The time for elections at CityDAO is here. Our First Election will be to Elect Members of the Multisig. According to Chat GPT, “Here are some reasons why DAOs might use elections: Representation: Elections allow DAO members to choose representatives who can make decisions on their behalf. This can help ensure that the decisions made by the DAO are aligned with the interests of its members.

Accountability: Elections can hold representatives accountable to the DAO members. If representatives fail to perform their duties or act in a way that is not in the best interests of the DAO, they can be removed from their positions through a vote.

Transparency: Elections can provide transparency in the decision-making process. All members have the opportunity to participate in the voting process and have a say in the direction of the DAO. Efficiency: Elections can help DAOs make decisions more efficiently. By delegating decision-making to elected representatives, the DAO can avoid delays and inefficiencies that might result from a more decentralized decision-making process.

Legitimacy: Elections can help legitimize the decisions made by the DAO. When decisions are made through a transparent and democratic process, members are more likely to accept and support them.” Currently - The “Multisig” is a body of eight (8) individuals who own private keys that own and control the CityDAO Main Safe Treasury. There are a few ways to manage a DAO Treasury and in the early days CityDAO chose the centralized manner of establishing a Multi-signature Smart Contract. Currently, 5 of 8 signers must sign a transaction to use money from the DAO’s treasury. This CIP creates a Multisig election. Each seat will be paid $200 per month. This CIP also confirms the Multisig authority to not sign transactions if they violate any act of governance (CIP, Charter, or OA), or violate US/Wyoming Law. Walter Clapp will oversee and implement the first election of the current 8 Multisig seats pursuant to this CIP. Walter makes sense as a licensed attorney, and his interest in reinvigorating the republic in America, including a vision for a Constitutional Convention. Walter is also a public candidate for President of the U.S. Walter can achieve the goal of getting CityDAO from the appointed Multisig of today to the Elected Multisig of CityDAO’s future. The election is intended to be completed by July 1, 2023. Multisig members will be up for election every 1 year. July 2023 multisig members will be replaced in July 2024 and so on. Unless a new CIP is passed to amend this one, it will recur with automatic passage annually. Multisig members may serve a maximum of two terms. Once this CIP passes, the CIP and election, to completion, will be publicized by the DAO to Twitter, the Website, Discord, Discourse, and via email. Nominations will be open to be submitted via Forum (Discourse). Self-nominations are prohibited. Nominations will require the person nominating to provide proof of humanity via a photo of their face with the nominee’s name on a piece of paper held by the nominator. Nominations for individuals will be subject to open Q&A, as well as limited debates that may be hosted by Walter.

Eligibility: Nominees will be required to go through KYC and AML, and any other legal hurdles required by the US or Wyoming law, prior to the vote. Nominations will open upon passage of this CIP and shall close on June 1, 2023. Walter will then compile a list of all qualified nominees for voting after the close of each round of nominations.. A virtual synchronous election over a seven (7) day period will occur via a CityDAO Citizen token gated discord channel (or Snapshot) administered by Walter and other present admins. Each citizen will be asked to rank their top eight (8) votes for the multisig. All citizens may only vote one time. Walter will manually tabulate the winners pursuant to the rules of rank choice voting, and publish the results on Snapshot for certification. These new signers will be admitted to the Multisig within 24 hours of certification. The next four (4) highest votes will be alternates. In the event a Multisig member steps down, is removed, or otherwise unable to complete their role, they shall be replaced by the alternate with the next most votes from the election (and if they are not available, the second highest voted alternate would be appointed, and so on). All 8 Multisig seats will begin receiving compensation the month after the first four new Multisignators are elected. Any tampering is expressly prohibited, including without limitation, Sybil Votes and use of Sybil Wallets. If tampering is discovered, the user(s) will be banned from multisig election voting for 1 year; and will be permanently banned from elected positions at CityDAO, or CityDAO positions with budget authority. Walter will work with current moderators and administrators to enforce these rules, publish ample advance notice of the nominations and election, and any updated rules of the election. Walter will publish a CIP to ratify the election and compensation within 24 hours of the election closing. If the elected are not ratified, this CIP will cease. Miscellaneous Terms of CIP-145 Term/Date of Completion no later than September 1, 2023 (note – anticipated ASAP but providing this outside date) The Facilitator role for this Election is a non-replaceable role, meaning that the CIP is formally terminated if Walter is not physically able to complete the election. Only a new CIP can establish a different or alternate election procedure. As stated above, the process will be finalized using a ratification CIP. Other CIPs relating to election considerations or compensation for elected Multisig members may follow depending on the nature of the process itself or its outcomes. Walter may use the assistance of others as he deems necessary, including the discretion to provide compensation from the Election Comp Pool in his discretion. Adjustments and amendments allowed by Proposer or Walter prior to Snapshot, will be tracked, and kept transparent in this Forum page. Payment of any amounts hereunder will be made from the Main Treasury within five (5) days of submission of Utopia payment request with reasonable supporting documentation as necessary.

1 vote
1 year ago

CityDAO @ ETHDenver 23’

Hey everyone,

ETHDenver is rapidly approaching, and unfortunately, the most recent ETHDenver event-related CIP did not reach the quorum: https://forum.citydao.io/t/cip-131-fund-irl-events-citydao-winter-meetup-and-ethdenver/1874/20

We have had 60+ Citizens fill out the following form: https://kl6nnf5yfbj.typeform.com/to/EDDMHk8F

This CIP is to do the following:

  • Sponsor Housing for CityDAO Citizens wanting to build projects at ETHDenver.
  • Sponsor some CityDAO Merch for these teams to represent CityDAO at the event.
  • Sponsor small networking events through the wider event
  • Provide Resources to Citizens to form teams & ideas

ETHDenver Dates: 21st February to 5th March 2023

ETHDenver 22’

ETHDenver 22’ was a huge success for CityDAO Citizens.

Here were some of the following outcomes:

  1. 3 Sponsored AirBNBs for Citizens
  2. 6 CityDAO Citizen Projects
  3. New Core CityDAO Contributors
  4. 2 Top 10 ETHDenver Projects
  5. 5 Citizen Projects won prizes across different ETHDenver Tracks


  • 2-4 Houses for Citizens that want to hack at ETHDenver

    • Budget $12,500
    • Goal: Get people that want to build something as a “CityDAO Sponsored Team”
  • CityDAO Swag

    • $500
    • Goal: Increase CityDAO Awareness at ETHDenver
  • Networking Event

    • Budget: $1,500
    • Goal: Increase CityDAO Awareness at ETHDenver
  • Misc. Expenses

    • Budget: $3,000
    • Transport for Citizens at the event
    • Travel Budget for Team Organizing
    • Comp for Members who help organise/facilitate at the event
    • Other incurred expenses.

Total Budget Request: $17,500

Other Notes:

Organisation Notion: https://organic-beet-cf2.notion.site/CityDAO-ETHDenver-b013e09ed99c4d21a088398f7b9c2b08

1 vote
2 years ago

CIP-131: Fund IRL Events: CityDAO Winter Meetup and ETHDenver

We propose allocating $30k to subsidize 2 in person events in the coming year.

CityDAO Winter Meetup

A winter meetup for CityDAO contributors to brainstorm. Topics of discussion will include all current CIPs, DAO governance, and future vision of the DAO. The location is TBD, but likely a warm climate.

CityDAO ETHDenver

An opportunity for Citizens to check out the Blanca Parcels, the DAO Labs cowering space, and hang out at ETH Denver.


Memebrains has graciously volunteered to plan both events and make sure they go smoothly. For his role in planning, we propose a $2k reward. Responsibilities include choosing locations, doing logistics like car rentals and airbnb bookings, and responsibly allocating funds to maximize value and fairness for Citizens. If for any reason Memebrains cannot continue in the role, scottfits shall appoint a new Planning lead.


Total proposal requests $32k, $30k to go towards trip logistics, $2k to go to Memebrains upon successful completion and return from ETHDenver. The likely outcome is that things that many Citizens can benefit from (dinners, rental cars, an airbnb) can be subsidized, while individuals may still have to pay travel expenses.

1 vote
2 years ago

CIP 129 - Grant for a Startup to create a Harberger Tax Inspired NFT Protocol & Marketplace

Proposal: Provide a Grant for a Startup to create a Harberger Tax Inspired NFT Protocol & Marketplace

Amount: $250,000 USDC, spread out over 4 progress milestones (see below)

To Who: @MemeBrains & @TheBossDragon

Intended outcome:

  1. Resolve 3 of the primary pain points affecting the DAO and Gated Access Community ecosystem as a whole
  2. Replenish the CityDAO treasury
  3. Save developer costs from other CityDAO projects which need a Harberger Tax model as well


Hello CityDAO!

This is my first proposal ever since proposing the CityDAO Podcast almost a year ago. Working with, supporting and advocating for CityDAO has been one of the most fulfilling experiences I’ve received in the Crypto world. This proposal takes things to a whole new level.

In 2018 I sold my last company in part because I felt the unshakable calling to plunge down the Bitcoin rabbit hole. Opportunities like this come once in a lifetime so I decided to go all-in and it’s been one of the most fulfilling decisions of my entire life. This journey led me to discover CityDAO and the principles of the Network State where I felt an equally strong calling to become involved. I believe that what Bitcoin is doing for global economics, the Network State is doing for global politics.

But everywhere I look, DAOs, NFT communities and nearly every single Gated Access Community I’ve come across run into the same 3 problems: Squatters, Flippers & Depleting Treasury.

Squatters hold those community keys (NFTs, Tokens etc) but do not participate. This artificially inflates the price of those community keys/NFTs in the open market -such as on Opensea- while simultaneously lowering productivity for everyone involved. Squatters are usually well intended however the inactivity hurts the community.

Flippers hold those community keys for future resale purposes and also do not participate, further inflating the community key prices and lowering community productivity. Flippers are also usually well intended however the hoarding and inflated floor pricing it creats hurts the community too.

Depleting Treasury is like a ticking time bomb. Every startups nightmare…limited Runway threatens the end of any capital intensive initiative.

Through CityDAO I’ve discovered the principles of Harberger Taxes. At least 2 CityDAO projects that I know of have mentioned a desire to implement Harberger Taxes in their projects, yet no fully functional solution currently exists in the market to click the proverbial ‘on switch’ to try it out. Tweets and articles by notable people and thought leaders also demonstrate interest in bringing this idea to market.

Within the principles of Harberger Taxes, I along with many others I’ve spoken with see the seeds to solving all 3 of these major industry pain points with one single solution.

This proposal is to find out in an indisputable way if a Harberger Tax Marketplace for Gated Access Community Keys and Digital Land Ownership will indeed help change the world of online communities for the better, as we think it will.

Project Team:

Eric Gilbert-Williams - CEO

Eric is a lifelong entrepreneur across multiple industries. He bootstrapped his last company to a team size of 50+ people and several million in ARR then sold it in 2018. He has also been involved in event production, angel investing and startup consulting. He is the host of the CityDAO podcast, an active DAO enthusiast + contributor and is also the host of a Philanthropically motivated Mental Health Podcast. Eric brings experience in organizational leadership, stakeholder relationship building, B2B + B2C sales, team trainings and public speaking.

Bhargav Patel - CTO

Bhargav is a serial entrepreneur in the technology space. In 2011, he founded Performance IQ, a data analytics and gamification software company for boutique fitness clubs. He grew the company to 3000+ locations & 20M+ users, prior to getting acquired by Battery Ventures in 2018. Since then, he has been involved with multiple ventures in retail, manufacturing, software & web3 space. He is an avid crypto investor, an early CityDAO citizen, and brings a ton of web3 development experience in smart contracts, NFTs & Defi protocols.

Budget: $250,000 USDC over 4 milestones (see below)

Summary: Launch a Harberger Tax Inspired NFT Protocol & Marketplace for CityDAO and other gated access communities to benefit from. This will allow communities to add customized functions and utility to their NFTs based on the specific needs and goals of their community. This project will develop the protocol MVP along with accompanying marketplace. Communities will be able to mint, distribute, manage and buy/sell their customized NFTs. Communities who select taxation features in their NFT will have those taxes sent directly to replenish their treasuries.

Pitch Deck PDF with Project Overview here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_bmjqVkI4CnChvkv6_vkdAyu8Xe8uQjd/view?usp=sharing

Pitch Deck Video Walkthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obYXxQv2r0Q

Use of Funds:

  1. Launch on mainnet & gain sufficient market traction to raise a $2M+ Seed round from Angels/VCs in 2023/24
  2. Core team wages & contractor payments
  3. Software & server costs

Benefits to CityDAO:

  1. $1 million in Royalties for CityDAO Treasury Replenishment: a) As a separate agreement from the Grant, the venture proposed above would engage with CityDAO in an Incubation and Marketing agreement. The agreement would state that should the venture succeed in generating revenues then the CityDAO Treasury would be provided with a 20% royalty from those top line revenues until $250,000 has been sent to the CityDAO Treasury, and then a further 5% royalty for an additional $750,000 USD, equalling a combined total of $1 million USD or equivalent back to the CityDAO treasury. b) In exchange for giving this royalty to CityDAO, the venture will be formally supported by CityDAO for testing, marketing, feedback, discussions early distribution and be the ventures first live customer, establishing a true win-win environment for both parties.

  2. Saved Costs: Other CityDAO projects which require a functioning Harberger Tax inspired NFT protocol and marketplace would be able to leverage from this technology and no longer be required to develop it from scratch. This would save development costs on other CityDAO projects and initiatives.

  3. Momentum for Treasury Replenishment initiatives: This would be the first active project within the CityDAO ecosystem to have an agreement in place geared towards treasury replenishment. This will hopefully inspire others to create projects and agreements which would also replenish the CityDAO treasury.

  4. Branding & Market Presence This project would provide credit back to CityDAO on-going in various forms including the CityDAO logo, ‘CityDAO Incubated Project’ references, public facing credit towards the CityDAO community in media events, and more. People will know this project was inspired and supported first and foremost by CityDAO to continue building the CityDAO brand.

Timeline and Deliverables:

To demonstrate our commitment and determination for this project, we have broken the project down into 4 milestones. Upon approval of this proposal, $250,000 USDC will be transferred to a gnosis based escrow wallet. Funding will be opened on a per milestone basis starting with the first milestone funding being released and used to complete the first milestones deliverables. Upon completion of the first milestone deliverables, funds will be unlocked then used from the second milestone to complete the second milestone deliverables, and so on.

Milestone 1

Budget: $1


  • Project Discovery & Networking
  • 5+ DAO/Community Leader 1-on-1 interviews for feature development input & prioritization
  • Setup web survey for larger scale interviews with DAO/Community participants

Milestone 2

Budget: $19,999


  • Completion of 30+ DAO/Community Leader 1-on-1 interviews for feature development input & prioritization.
  • Flow Charts based on market feedback from the interviews & surveys
  • Initial Branding / Creatives for the platform
  • Initial UI/UX Designs

Milestone 3

Budget: $50,000


  • MVP live on ETH/Polygon Testnet
  • Alpha Testing & Feedback Gathering
  • Generate interest from other communities

Milestone 4

Budget: $180,000


  • Audited smart contracts by a third party
  • Live and operational product launch on ETH/Polygon Mainnet
  • Commencement of the Royalty on top line marketplace revenue back to CityDAO

Challenges & Questions:

  1. Will it work? It’s clear that between the Radical Markets book, the RadicalxChange foundation, tweets by Vitalik, Balaji and within other discussion forms, there is a sincere curiosity and belief by influential parties that a Harberger Tax model could revolutionize property ownership, memberships, NFTs and gated access communities everywhere. We can debate the theory until the cows come home…but there’s only one way to actually find out. This project aims to find out.

  2. That’s not enough money to scale Correct, it’s not. But with this pre-seed funding and a live MVP, we will be able to confidently approach a Seed round in 2023 aiming for the $2mil - $5mil range with the appropriate Angel Investors & VCs. The Seed round will provide the hires needed to bring this product to market and gain the initial traction required to then approach a Series A round in the $20mil - $30mil range for market scalability.

  3. That’s too much money! Please read #2 above.

  4. I think Harberger Taxes will fail. Please read #1 above.

  5. Why not do this inside CityDAO as a CityDAO fully owned project? a) CityDAO does not have enough money to do this as a broad market solution in a long-term scalable way. It would simply be too risky for the treasury and bootstrapping this would require too much commitment from DAO members, distract from core CityDAO initiatives and severely limit this initiative's chances of success. b) This is a startup venture concept which is intended to live and grow on its own. Although connected to the same root system as CityDAO overall and connected with multipl CityDAO projects, this is an offspring of CityDAO, not part of the main/original tree. c) Lastly, legal liability is mitigated when this project is separated from the CityDAO LLC and visa versa.

  6. How does this replenish the CityDAO Treasury? Please read ‘Benefits to CityDAO’ above.

  7. Let’s debate, discuss and theorize about this for a year++ before deciding Not an option for us. We have a window of opportunity here that will not remain open long. Either we do this or we don’t.

  8. The Mob. Look, our intentions here are to do something good, not only CityDAO, but for the market as a whole, and simultaneously help our entrepreneurial career. We really don’t want this to turn into something unpleasant for anyone involved. We are hoping CityDAO can rally around this project as a very positive thing.

  9. I have more questions plz We will be hosting a daily AMA on this Proposal at 2pm PST on Thursday and Friday November 9th and 10th and daily from Monday November 14th until Friday November 18th. Come join and ask all your questions!

  10. Is this Legal? Everything within this proposal will be first passed through CityDAO legal council and any required changes will be made accordingly before finalized.

Legal Notice & Disclaimer: The entirety of the above proposal and any and all of its details, including but not limited to pitch deck and related details must be reviewed by and modified by CityDAO legal council and/or other legal council related to the venture or any of its stakeholders.

1 vote
2 years ago

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